agree.ccc |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient |
agree.icc1 |
Intraclass correlation coefficient for one-way random anova model |
agree.plot |
Visualize the Agreement of Ratings among Different Raters |
agree.sdd |
Smallest Detectable Difference |
agree.sddm |
Mean Normalized Smallest Detectable Difference |
agree.wscv |
Within-subject Coefficient of Variation |
amygdala |
PET Total Volume of Distribution |
brainStem |
PET Total Volume of Distribution |
ccc.lognormalNormal.mcmc |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient | |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient |
ccc.mvn.mcmc |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient |
ccc.mvt.mcmc |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient |
ccc.nonpara.bootstrap |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient |
ccc.nonpara.jackknife |
Concordance Correlation Coefficient |
cerebellum |
PET Total Volume of Distribution |
icc1.sf |
Intraclass correlation coefficient for one-way random anova model |
judgeRatings |
Ratings of Different Judges |
lesionBurden |
Total Lesion Burden |
lesionBurden.G |
Total Lesion Burden |
lesionBurden.M |
Total Lesion Burden |
petVT |
PET Total Volume of Distribution | |
Within-subject Coefficient of Variation |
wscv.vst |
Within-subject Coefficient of Variation |