Tools for Modelling of Animal Flight Performance

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Documentation for package ‘afpt’ version

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air2ground Compute groundspeed
altitude2density Compute density in International Standard Atmopshere
amplitude Flapping flight optimal amplitude
Bird Bird description
Bird.default Bird description
chem2mech Convert between mechanical and chemical power
climbing_birds Climbing birds
computeAvailablePower Compute available power
computeBodyFrontalArea Body frontal area from scaling relation
computeChemicalPower Convert mechanical power to chemical power
computeChemicalPower.numeric Convert mechanical power to chemical power
computeChemicalPower.power.mechanical Convert mechanical power to chemical power
computeFlappingPower Calculate aerodynamic power flapping flight
computeFlightPerformance Compute characteristics of a power curve
fD.ind Coefficient for thrust dependency of drag and power factors
fD.pro0 Coefficient for thrust dependency of drag and power factors
fD.pro2 Coefficient for thrust dependency of drag and power factors
findMaximumClimbRate Find maximum climb rate
findMaximumPowerSpeed Finds speed for which power required equals maximum available power
findMaximumRangeSpeed Find maximum range speed
findMinimumPowerSpeed Find speed for minimum power
findMinimumTimeSpeed Find speed for migration time minimization
fP.ind Coefficient for thrust dependency of drag and power factors
fP.pro0 Coefficient for thrust dependency of drag and power factors
fP.pro2 Coefficient for thrust dependency of drag and power factors
mech2chem Convert between mechanical and chemical power
reducedFrequency Function to compute reduced frequency