afex-package {afex}R Documentation

Analysis of Factorial Experiments


Convenience functions for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models. aov_ez(), aov_car(), and aov_4() allow specification of between, within (i.e., repeated-measures), or mixed (i.e., split-plot) ANOVAs for data in long format (i.e., one observation per row), automatically aggregating multiple observations per individual and cell of the design. mixed() fits mixed models using lme4::lmer() and computes p-values for all fixed effects using either Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom (LMM only), parametric bootstrap (LMMs and GLMMs), or likelihood ratio tests (LMMs and GLMMs). afex_plot() provides a high-level interface for interaction or one-way plots using ggplot2, combining raw data and model estimates. afex uses type 3 sums of squares as default (imitating commercial statistical software).



Package: afex
Type: Package
Title: Analysis of Factorial Experiments
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0), lme4 (>= 1.1-8)
Suggests: emmeans (>= 1.4), coin, xtable, parallel, plyr, optimx, nloptr, knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, lattice, latticeExtra, multcomp, testthat, mlmRev, dplyr, tidyr, dfoptim, Matrix, psychTools, ggplot2, MEMSS, effects, carData, ggbeeswarm, nlme, cowplot, jtools, ggpubr, ggpol, MASS, glmmTMB, brms, rstanarm, statmod, performance (>= 0.7.2), see (>= 0.6.4), ez, ggResidpanel, grid, vdiffr
Imports: pbkrtest (>= 0.4-1), lmerTest (>= 3.0-0), car, reshape2, stats, methods, utils
Description: Convenience functions for analyzing factorial experiments using ANOVA or mixed models. aov_ez(), aov_car(), and aov_4() allow specification of between, within (i.e., repeated-measures), or mixed (i.e., split-plot) ANOVAs for data in long format (i.e., one observation per row), automatically aggregating multiple observations per individual and cell of the design. mixed() fits mixed models using lme4::lmer() and computes p-values for all fixed effects using either Kenward-Roger or Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom (LMM only), parametric bootstrap (LMMs and GLMMs), or likelihood ratio tests (LMMs and GLMMs). afex_plot() provides a high-level interface for interaction or one-way plots using ggplot2, combining raw data and model estimates. afex uses type 3 sums of squares as default (imitating commercial statistical software).
License: GPL (>=2)
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr, R.rsp
Authors@R: c(person(given="Henrik", family="Singmann", role=c("aut", "cre"), email="", comment=c(ORCID="0000-0002-4842-3657")), person(given="Ben", family="Bolker", role=c("aut")), person(given="Jake",family="Westfall", role=c("aut")), person(given="Frederik", family="Aust", role=c("aut"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-4900-788X")), person(given="Mattan S.",family="Ben-Shachar", role=c("aut")), person(given="Søren", family="Højsgaard", role=c("ctb")), person(given="John", family="Fox", role=c("ctb")), person(given="Michael A.", family="Lawrence", role=c("ctb")), person(given="Ulf", family="Mertens", role=c("ctb")), person(given="Jonathon", family="Love", role=c("ctb")), person(given="Russell", family="Lenth", role=c("ctb")), person(given="Rune", family="Haubo Bojesen Christensen", role=c("ctb")))
Version: 1.3-1
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
LazyData: true
Author: Henrik Singmann [aut, cre] (<>), Ben Bolker [aut], Jake Westfall [aut], Frederik Aust [aut] (<>), Mattan S. Ben-Shachar [aut], Søren Højsgaard [ctb], John Fox [ctb], Michael A. Lawrence [ctb], Ulf Mertens [ctb], Jonathon Love [ctb], Russell Lenth [ctb], Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen [ctb]
Maintainer: Henrik Singmann <>


Maintainer: Henrik Singmann (ORCID)


Other contributors:

See Also

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[Package afex version 1.3-1 Index]