BPoirier {ads}R Documentation

Tree spatial pattern in Beau Poirier plot, Haye forest, France


Spatial pattern of 162 beeches, 72 oaks and 3 hornbeams in a 1-ha 140 yr-old temperate forest plot in Haye, France.




A list with 8 components:
$rect is a vector of coordinates (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) of the origin and the opposite corner of a 110 by 90 m rectangular plot.
$tri1 is a list of vertex coordinates (ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy)(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy) of contiguous triangles covering the denser part of the plot.
$tri2 is a list of vertex coordinates (ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy)(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy) of contiguous triangles covering the sparser part of the plot.
$poly1 is a list of vertex coordinates (x,y)(x,y) of the polygon enclosing BPoirier$tri1.
$poly2 is a list of two polygons vertex coordinates (x,y)(x,y) enclosing BPoirier$tri2.
$trees is a list of tree coordinates (x,y)(x,y).
$species is a factor with 3 levels ("beech","oak","hornbeam")("beech","oak","hornbeam") corresponding to species names of the trees.
$dbh is a vector of tree size (diameter at breast height in cm).


Parde, J. 1981. De 1882 a 1976/80 : les places d'experience de sylviculture du hetre en foret domaniale de Haye. Revue Forestiere Francaise, 33: 41-64.


Goreaud, F. 2000. Apports de l'analyse de la structure spatiale en foret temperee a l'etude et la modelisation des peuplements complexes. These de doctorat, ENGREF, Nancy, France.

Pelissier, R. & Goreaud, F. 2001. A practical approach to the study of spatial structure in simple cases of heterogeneous vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science, 12: 99-108.


BP.spp <- spp(BPoirier$trees, mark=BPoirier$species, window=BPoirier$rect)

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