adjClust {adjclust}R Documentation

Adjacency-constrained Clustering


Adjacency-constrained hierarchical agglomerative clustering


  type = c("similarity", "dissimilarity"),
  h = ncol(mat) - 1,
  strictCheck = TRUE,
  nthreads = 1L



A similarity matrix or a dist object. Most sparse formats from sparseMatrix are allowed


Type of matrix : similarity or dissimilarity. Defaults to "similarity"


band width. It is assumed that the similarity between two items is 0 when these items are at a distance of more than band width h. Default value is ncol(mat)-1


Logical (default to TRUE) to systematically check default of positivity in input similarities. Can be disabled to avoid computationally expensive checks when the number of features is large.


Integer (default to 1L). Number of threads use for matrix precomputations.


Adjacency-constrained hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) is HAC in which each observation is associated to a position, and the clustering is constrained so as only adjacent clusters are merged. These methods are useful in various application fields, including ecology (Quaternary data) and bioinformatics (e.g., in Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS)).

This function is a fast implementation of the method that takes advantage of sparse similarity matrices (i.e., that have 0 entries outside of a diagonal band of width h). The method is fully described in (Dehman, 2015) and based on a kernel version of the algorithm. The different options for the implementation are available in the package vignette entitled "Notes on CHAC implementation in adjclust".


An object of class chac which describes the tree produced by the clustering process. The object is a list with the same elements as an object of class hclust (merge, height, order, labels, call, method, dist.method), and two extra elements:


: (the data on which the clustering has been performed, possibly after the pre-transformations described in the vignette entitled "Notes on CHAC implementation in adjclust"



: the value of the correction for non positive definite similarity matrices (also described in the same vignette). If correction == 0, it means that the initial data were not pre-transformed.


When performed on a distance matrix dd with the option type = "dissimilarity", adjclust is identical to using the option "ward.D" on d2d^2 in the function hclust when the ordering of the (unconstrained) clustering (in hclust) is compatible with the natural ordering of objects used as a constraint. It is also equivalent (under the same assumption or orderings) to the option "ward.D2" performed on the distance matrix dd itself, except for the final heights of the merges that are equal to the square of the heights obtained with "ward.D2" in hclust. See the vignette on implementation and (Murtagh and Legendre, 2014) for further details.


Murtagh F., and Legendre P. (2014). Ward's hierarchical agglomerative clustering method: which algorithms implement Ward's criterion? Journal of Classification, 31, 274-295. DOI: doi:10.1007/s00357-014-9161-z.

Dehman A. (2015). Spatial Clustering of Linkage Disequilibrium Blocks for Genome-Wide Association Studies, PhD thesis, Universite Paris Saclay, France.

Ambroise C., Dehman A., Neuvial P., Rigaill G., and Vialaneix N (2019). Adjacency-constrained hierarchical clustering of a band similarity matrix with application to genomics. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 14(22). DOI: doi:10.1007/s11222-018-9806-6.

Randriamihamison N., Vialaneix N., and Neuvial P. (2020). Applicability and interpretability of Ward's hierarchical agglomerative clustering with or without contiguity constraints. Journal of Classification, 38, 1-27. DOI: doi:10.1007/s00357-020-09377-y.

See Also

snpClust to cluster SNPs based on linkage disequilibrium

hicClust to cluster Hi-C data


sim <- matrix(
  c(1.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
    0.1, 1.0 ,0.4 ,0.5,
    0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 0.6,
    0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0), 
 nrow = 4)

## similarity, full width
fit1 <- adjClust(sim, "similarity")

## similarity, h < p-1
fit2 <- adjClust(sim, "similarity", h = 2)

## dissimilarity
dist <- as.dist(sqrt(2-(2*sim)))

## dissimilarity, full width
fit3 <- adjClust(dist, "dissimilarity")

## dissimilarity, h < p-1
fit4 <- adjClust(dist, "dissimilarity", h = 2)

[Package adjclust version 0.6.9 Index]