Import from and Export to Amiga Disk Files

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Documentation for package ‘adfExplorer’ version 0.1.8

Help Pages Get or set the disk name of an amigaDisk object Get or set the disk name of an amigaDisk object<- Get or set the disk name of an amigaDisk object<--method Get or set the disk name of an amigaDisk object
adf.example An example of an amigaDisk object
adf.file.exists Test file or directory existence in an amigaDisk object
adf.file.exists-method Test file or directory existence in an amigaDisk object File information on virtual amigaDisk objects File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.mode File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.mode-method File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.mode<- File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.mode<--method File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.remove Remove a file from an amigaDisk object
adf.file.remove-method Remove a file from an amigaDisk object
adf.file.size File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.size-method File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.time File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.time-method File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.time<- File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
adf.file.time<--method File information on virtual amigaDisk objects
amigaBlock The amigaBlock class
amigaBlock-class The amigaBlock class
amigaBlock-method Extract block from or replace a block on an amigaDisk object
amigaBlock<- Extract block from or replace a block on an amigaDisk object
amigaBlock<--method Extract block from or replace a block on an amigaDisk object
amigaDateToRaw Convert date time objects into raw values
amigaDisk The amigaDisk class
amigaDisk-class The amigaDisk class
amigaIntToRaw Convert Amiga integers into raw values
bitmapToRaw Convert raw data into a bitmap or vice versa
blank.amigaDOSDisk Create blank disk with file system
blank.amigaDOSDisk-method Create blank disk with file system
boot.block.code Minimal executable code for a bootblock
current.adf.dir Get or set the current directory of an amigaDisk object
current.adf.dir-method Get or set the current directory of an amigaDisk object
current.adf.dir<- Get or set the current directory of an amigaDisk object
current.adf.dir<--method Get or set the current directory of an amigaDisk object
dir.create.adf Create a directory on an amigaDisk object
dir.create.adf-method Create a directory on an amigaDisk object
dir.exists.adf Test file or directory existence in an amigaDisk object
dir.exists.adf-method Test file or directory existence in an amigaDisk object
displayRawData Display raw data in a comprehensive way
get.adf.file Get a file from an amigaDisk object
get.adf.file-method Get a file from an amigaDisk object
get.blockID Get the block ID from the physical location on the disk
get.blockID-method Get the block ID from the physical location on the disk
get.diskLocation Get the physical location on the disk for a specific block
get.diskLocation-method Get the physical location on the disk for a specific block
is.amigaDOS Check if amigaDisk object is DOS formatted
is.amigaDOS-method Check if amigaDisk object is DOS formatted
is.bootable Check if amigaDisk object is bootable
is.bootable-method Check if amigaDisk object is bootable
list.adf.files List files in an amigaDisk directory
list.adf.files-method List files in an amigaDisk directory
print Print Amiga Disk File objects
print-method Print Amiga Disk File objects
put.adf.file Put a file onto an amigaDisk object
put.adf.file-method Put a file onto an amigaDisk object
rawToAmigaDate Convert raw values into a date time object
rawToAmigaInt Convert raw values into Amiga integers
rawToBitmap Convert raw data into a bitmap or vice versa
read.adf Read an Amiga Disk File
read.adf-method Read an Amiga Disk File
read.adz Read an Amiga Disk File
read.adz-method Read an Amiga Disk File
write.adf Write an amigaDisk object to an ADF file
write.adf-method Write an amigaDisk object to an ADF file
write.adz Write an amigaDisk object to an ADF file
write.adz-method Write an amigaDisk object to an ADF file