mastigouche {adespatial} | R Documentation |
Mastigouche Lake network data set
A list containing the XY coordinates of the lakes and a site-by-edge matrix describing how 42 lakes influence each other. The influence is defined by 66 edges.
A list that includes the centred coordinates of 42 lakes in the Mastigouche reserve and a site-by-edge matrix describing how the 42 lakes are influenced among each other. The influence is defined by 66 edges.
Magnan, P., Rodriguez, M.A., Legendre, P., Lacasse, S. (1994) Dietary variation in a freshwater fish species: relative contribution of biotic interactions, abiotic factors, and spatial structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51, 2856-2865. Blanchet F.G., P. Legendre, and Borcard D. (2008) Modelling directional spatial processes in ecological data. Ecological Modelling, 215, 325-336.