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Dataset from the National Wilms Tumor Study (NWTS)
Dataset from the National Wilms Tumor Study (NWTS)
A data frame with 3915 rows and 12 variables:
- trel
Time to relapse orlast date seen (yr), continuous
- tsur
Time to death or last date seen (yr), continuous
- relaps
Indicator of relapse, 0 = Alive no prior relapse when last seen, 1 = Relapsed after trel years
- dead
Indicator of death, 0 = Alive when last seen, 1 = Died after tsur years
- study
NWTS study, 3 = NWTS-3, 4 = NWTS-4
- stage
Stage of disease, 1=I, 2=II, 3=III, 4=IV
- histol
Central Path histology, 0 = Favorable (FH), 1 = Unfavorable (UH)
- instit
Institutional histology, 0 = Favorable (FH), 1 = Unfavorable (UH)
- age
Age at diagnosis (yr), continuous
- yr
Year of diagnosis, calendar year
- specwgt
Weight of tumor bearing specimen, in grams (continuous)
- tumdiam
Diameter of tumor, in centimeters (continuous)
Originally used by M. Kulich and D.Y. Lin: Improving the efficiency of relative-risk estimation in case-cohort studies. J Amer Statis Assoc 99:832-844, 2004.