update.scaledTrellis {addScales}R Documentation

Update Method for scaledTrellis Objects


Updates both addScale parameters, including those passed to the panelFUN, and components of the original trellis object. Note that this may produce undesirable results if the axis limits are changed via updating trellis parameters without updating scaleline limits. See the examples.


   ## S3 method for class 'scaledTrellis'
update(object, ...)



scaledTrellis object: The object on which method dispatch is carried out.


Any number of name = value pairs giving arguments that will be used to update object


Arguments to addScales and those to (the most recent version of) the original trellis object are separated and update.trellis is first called on the latter. This means that any trellis argument changes must satisfy the restrictions on what update.trellis can change, basically, anything but the data used for plotting. All addScales and panelFUN parameters can be changed as long as such changes are possible (e.g. no scale lines can be added for factors.


The updated object of class c("scaledTrellis","trellis") if successful.
The unmodified object if an error occurs.


Bert Gunter bgunter.4567@gmail.com

See Also

update.trellis, addScales, panel.addScales


## Replicate the USAcrimes example in ?addScales
state.smpl <- c("CA","TX","GA","CO","VA","FL","NY","OH","MO","UT","MA","TN")
wh <- USAcrime$State %in% state.smpl
pcols <- hcl.colors(n = 55, rev = TRUE)
crm <-xyplot(allViolent ~ allProperty|State, data = USAcrime[wh,],
             subscripts = TRUE,
             as.table = TRUE,
             layout = c(4,3), type = c("p", "g"),
             cex= .75,  pch = 19,
             col = pcols[USAcrime[wh,'Year'] -1959],
             par.strip.text = list(lines = .7, cex = .7),
             between = list(x = 1),
             scales = list(axs="i",relation = "free", draw = FALSE),
             xlab = "Property Crime Rate (incidents/100,000 population)",
             ylab = "Violent Crime Rate (incidents/100,000 population)",
             main = paste0("Violent vs. Property Crime Rates from 1960-2014 For 12 States"),
             sub = "Point Darkness Codes Years: Darker = Later Years",
             panel = function(subscripts,col,...)
                panel.xyplot(col = col[subscripts],...)
ads.1 <- addScales(crm, scaleline = TRUE)
ads.1 ## plot it

## Change the plotting symbol, add a fitted line to the panel,
## remove the grid, change the layout,
## color code the midline and use shaded scale regions instead
## of lines, and put the legend on the right.
## Note that the arguments can be given in any order.
## (automatically plotted since no return value)
update(ads.1, pch = 19,layout = c(3,4), type = "p",
       colCode = "m", scaleType = "reg", legend.loc = "right",
       panel = function(x, y,  ...){
          panel.xyplot(x, y,...)
          panel.abline(reg = lm(y ~ x), col = "darkred", lwd = 2)

## example of problems that can occur when updating trellis scales without
## updating addScales.
## Example from addScales() help:
x <- rep(0:10, 4)
scaling <- rep(c(1, 2, 5, 10), e = 11)
y <- sin(pi*x/10)*scaling + scaling ## add some structure
f <- factor(rep(LETTERS[1:4], e = 11))

## Now add noise proportional to data mean (= constant CV)
y <- y + rnorm(44,sd = scaling/3)

## Plot this with the default "same" scaling and a loess curve

samescale <- xyplot(y ~ x| f, layout = c(4,1), col = "darkblue",
                    scales = list(alternating = 1, tck = c(1,0)),
                    panel = function(...){
                        panel.loess(..., span = .6, col.line = "blue")

## Call addScales and then update scale. This uses update.scaledTrellis:

update(addScales(samescale, scaleType = "region"),
       scales =  list(y = list(relation = "free", draw = FALSE)))

## This will generate a warning message, shown after the examples complete,
## and useless scaleline regions.
## Repeat, but now update the scaleline argument of addScales() also:

update(addScales(samescale, scaleType = "region"),
       scaleline = list(h = TRUE, v = FALSE),
       scales =  list(y = list(relation = "free", draw = FALSE))

## The updated scale regions are now appropriate.
## This could also have been done by first updating the trellis object
## (which would use the update.trellis method) and **then** calling
## addScales() on that, i.e.

addScales(update(samescale, scales =
                     list(y = list(relation = "free", draw = FALSE))),
          scaleType = "region")
## cleanup
rm(ads.1, crm, pcols, wh, state.smpl, samescale,
   scaling, x, y, f)

[Package addScales version 1.0-1 Index]