{activPAL}R Documentation

Summarise activity data from a folder of activPAL events files into equal sized periods


activity.summary.window processes all the events files (format *Events.csv) in a folder and produces a summary table giving a breakdown of the number and duration of each event type across consecutive periods of a specified duration during the day. If the window_size is not a factor of 24, the final period will be shorter than the other reporting periods, generating a warning to advise of this difference in reporting period duration. The generated summary activity table for each events file is saved to a csv file, while an additional csv file containing the summaries across all the processed events files is also saved.

Usage, output_folder,
  window_duration = 2)



The filepath for the folder where the events files (format *Events.csv) to be processed are saved


The filepath for the folder where the csv summary files are to be saved


The size of each bucket in hours that the data is to be summarised. Default - 2 hours.


input_folder <- paste(system.file("extdata", "", package = "activPAL"),"/",sep="")
output_folder <- paste(tempdir(),"/",sep=""),output_folder,2)

# Omitting a value for window_duration sets the default window size to 2 hours,output_folder)

# You can set the window_duration to a time period that is not evenly divisible
# by 24 hours.  In this case the last reporting period for each day will be
# shorter than the specified window_duration.,output_folder,3.5)

[Package activPAL version 0.1.3 Index]