average_results |
Average results over valid days |
compute_accumulation_metrics |
Compute activity accumulation metrics |
compute_bmr |
Compute Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) |
compute_intensity_distri_metrics |
Compute intensity distribution metrics |
compute_mets |
Compute metabolic equivalent of task (MET) values |
compute_mx |
Compute MX metric |
compute_peak_step_acc |
Compute mean step accumulation (per min) from a given number of the best continous or discontinuous minutes |
compute_pro_actigraph_score |
Compute PROactive monitor-based physical activity score for C-PPAC tool |
compute_pro_score_cppac |
Provide score for each question of the C-PPAC |
compute_pro_score_dppac |
Provide score for each question of the D-PPAC |
create_fig_mvpa |
Create a figure showing the mean daily MVPA time |
create_fig_mx_by_day |
Create a radar plot for MX metrics relating to each day of the measurement of physical behavior |
create_fig_mx_summary |
Create a radar plot for the mean or median MX metrics relating to the measurement of physical behavior |
create_fig_pal |
Create a figure showing the mean daily Physical Activity Level (PAL) |
create_fig_ratio_mvpa_sed |
Create a figure showing the mean daily MVPA/SED ratio |
create_fig_res_by_day |
Create a figure with metrics shown for each day |
create_fig_sed |
Create a figure showing the mean daily sedentary (SED) time |
create_fig_steps |
Create a figure showing the mean daily step count |
create_flextable_summary |
Create a formatted table of results |
do_all_analyses |
Do all analyses at once |
get_guidelines_status |
Get WHO physical activity guidelines status |
get_ig_results |
Get intensity gradient values and graphics |
get_pal_status |
Get FAO physical activity level (PAL) status (http://www.fao.org/3/y5686e/y5686e07.htm#bm07.3) |
get_pa_period_info |
Get relevant missing physical activity information indicated by the user of the app |
get_ratio_mvpa_sed_comment |
Get comment about the MVPA/SED ratio |
mark_intensity |
Add intensity metrics |
mark_wear_time |
Mark dataset for nonwear/wear time |
plot_data |
Plot accelerometer data for each day |
plot_data_with_intensity |
Plot accelerometer data for each day with both nonwear time and physical activity intensity categories |
prepare_dataset |
Prepare accelerometer data |
rasch_transform |
Compute Rasch transformation for PROactive scores |
read_agd |
Read activity counts from an *.agd file |
read_agd_raw |
Read an *.agd file, with no post-processing |
recap_by_day |
Summarize results by day |
run_app |
Run the Shiny Application |