acenlm {acebayes}R Documentation

Approximate Coordinate Exchange (ACE) Algorithm for Non-Linear Models


Functions implementing the approximate coordinate exchange algorithm (Overstall & Woods, 2017) for finding optimal Bayesian designs for non-linear regression models.


acenlm(formula, start.d, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), 
method = c("quadrature", "MC"),  Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
progress = FALSE, limits = NULL)

pacenlm(formula, start.d, prior, B, criterion = c("D", "A", "E", "SIG", "NSEL"), 
method = c("quadrature", "MC"),  Q = 20, N1 = 20, N2 = 100, lower = -1, upper = 1, 
limits = NULL, mc.cores = 1, n.assess = 20)



An object of class "formula": a symbolic description of the model. The terms should correspond to the column names of the argument start.d and the argument prior.


For aceglm, an n by k matrix, with column names used by the argument formula, specifying the initial design for the ACE algorithm.

For paceglm, a list with each element, an n by k matrix, with column names used by the argument formula, specifying the initial design for each repetition of the ACE algorithm.


An argument specifying the prior distribution.

For method = "MC", a function with one argument: B; a scalar integer. This function should return a B by p matrix (or p+1 for criterion = "SIG" or criterion = "NSEL"), with p the number of model parameters, containing a random sample from the prior distribution of the parameters. The value of p should correspond to the number of terms specified by the formula argument. The column names must match the names of parameters in the formula argument. For criterion="SIG" or criterion="NSEL", an extra column (named sig2) should contain a sample from the prior distribution of the error variance.

For method = "quadrature", a list specifying a normal or uniform prior for the model parameters. For a normal prior distribution, the list should have named entries mu and sigma2 specifying the prior mean and variance-covariance matrix. The prior mean may be specified as a scalar, which will then be replicated to form an vector of common prior means, or a vector of length p. The prior variance-covariance matrix may be specified as either a scalar common variance or a vector of length p of variances (for independent prior distributions) or as a p by p matrix. The names attribute of mu must match the names of the parameters in the formula argument. For a uniform prior distribution, the list should have a named entry support, a 2 by p matrix with each column giving the lower and upper limits of the support of the independent continuous uniform distribution for the corresponding parameter. The column names of support must match the names of parameters in the formula argument.


An optional argument for controlling the approximation to the expected utility. It should be a vector of length two.

For criterion = "MC", it specifies the size of the Monte Carlo samples, generated from the joint distribution of unknown quantities. The first sample size, B[1], gives the sample size to use in the comparison procedures, and the second sample size, B[2], gives the sample size to use for the evaluations of Monte Carlo integration that are used to fit the Gaussian process emulator. If left unspecified, the default value is c(20000,1000).

For criterion = "quadrature", it specifies the tuning parameters (numbers of radial abscissas and random rotations) for the implemented quadrature method; see Details for more information. If left unspecified, the default value is c(2, 8).


An optional character argument specifying the utility function. There are currently five utility functions implemented consisting of

  1. pseudo-Bayesian D-optimality (criterion = "D");

  2. pseudo-Bayesian A-optimality (criterion = "A");

  3. pseudo-Bayesian E-optimality (criterion = "E");

  4. Shannon information gain (criterion = "SIG");

  5. negative squared error loss (criterion = "NSEL").

The default value is "D" denoting pseudo-Bayesian D-optimality. See Details for more information.


An optional character argument specifying the method of approximating the expected utility function. Current choices are method = "quadrature" for a deterministic quadrature approximation and method = "MC" for a stochastic Monte Carlo approximation. The first of these choices is only available when the argument criterion = "A", "D" or "E". The second choice is available for all possible values of the argument criterion. If left unspecified, the argument defaults to "quadrature" for criterion = "A", "D" or "E" and to "MC" otherwise. See Details for more information.


An integer specifying the number of evaluations of the approximate expected utility that are used to fit the Gaussian process emulator. The default value is 20.


An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase I of the ACE algorithm (the coordinate exchange phase). The default value is 20.


An integer specifying the number of iterations of Phase II of the ACE algorithm (the point exchange phase). The default value is 100.


An argument specifying the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument start.d which specifies the lower limits of all coordinates of the design space. The default value is -1.


An argument specifying the design space. This argument can either be a scalar or a matrix of the same dimension as the argument start.d which specifies the upper limits of all coordinates of the design space. The default value is 1.


A logical argument indicating whether the iteration number should be printed. The default value is FALSE.


An argument specifying the grid over which to maximise the Gaussian process emulator for the expected utility function. It should be a function with three arguments: i, j and d which generates a one-dimensional grid for the ijth coordinate of the design when the current design is d. The default value is NULL which generates values uniformly on the interval (lower[i,j],upper[i,j]) or (lower,upper) depending on whether the arguments lower and upper are matrices or scalars, respectively.


The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. Must be at least one (the default), and parallelisation requires at least two cores. See mclapply for more information and warnings for mc.cores > 1.


If method = "MC", the approximate expected utility for the design from each repetition of the ACE algorithm will be calculated n.assess times. The terminal design returned will be the design with the largest mean approximate expected utility calculated over the n.assess approximations.


The acenlm function implements the ACE algorithm to find designs for general classes of nonlinear regression models with identically and independently normally distributed errors meaning the user does not have to write their own utility function.

Two utility functions are implemented.

  1. Shannon information gain (SIG)

    The utility function is

    uSIG(d)=π(θy,d)π(θ),u^{SIG}(d) = \pi(\theta|y,d) - \pi(\theta),

    where π(θy,d)\pi(\theta|y,d) and π(θ)\pi(\theta) denote the posterior and prior densities of the parameters θ\theta, respectively.

  2. Negative squared error loss (NSEL)

    The utility function is

    uNSEL(d)=(θE(θy,d))T(θE(θy,d)),u^{NSEL}(d) = - \left(\theta - E(\theta |y,d)\right)^T \left(\theta - E(\theta |y,d)\right),

    where E(θy,d)E(\theta | y,d) denotes the posterior mean of θ\theta.

In both cases the utility function is not available in closed form due to the analytical intractability of either the posterior distribution (for SIG) or the posterior mean (for NSEL). Sampling-based Monte Carlo or importance sampling approximations will be employed. This was the original approach used by Overstall & Woods (2017).

A normal approximation to the posterior can be taken leading to the approximation by some scalar function of the Fisher information matrix, I(θ;d)\mathcal{I} (\theta;d), which only depends on θ\theta (Chaloner & Verdinelli, 1995). In the case of SIG, the approximate utility is given by

uD(d)=logI(θ;d),u^{D}(d) = \log \vert \mathcal{I} (\theta;d) \vert,

and the resulting design is typically called pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal. For NSEL, the approximate utility is given by

uA(d)=tr{I(θ;d)1}u^A(d) = - \mathrm{tr} \left\{ \mathcal{I} (\theta;d)^{-1} \right\}

with the resulting design termed pseudo-Bayesian A-optimal. These designs are often used under the frequentist approach to optimal experimental design and so to complete the usual set, the following utility for finding a pseudo-Bayesian E-optimal design is also implemented:

uE(d)=min\mboxe(I(θ;d)),u^E(d) = \mathrm{min} \mbox{ } e\left(\mathcal{I} (\theta;d) \right),

where e()e() denotes the function that calculates the eigenvalues of its argument.

The expected utilities can be approximated using Monte Carlo methods (method = "MC" for all criteria) or using a deterministic quadrature method (method = "quadrature", implemented for the D, A and E criteria). The former approach approximates the expected utility via sampling from the prior. The latter approach uses a radial-spherical integration rule (Monahan and Genz, 1997) and B[1] specifies the number, nrn_r, of radial abscissas and B[2] specifies the number, nqn_q, of random rotations. Larger values of nrn_r will produce more accurate, but also more computationally expensive, approximations. See Gotwalt et al. (2009) for further details.

Similar to all coordinate exchange algorithms, ACE should be repeated from different initial designs. The function pacenlm will implement this where the initial designs are given by a list via the argument start.d. On the completion of the repetitions of ACE, pacenlm will approximate the expected utility for all final designs and return the design (the terminal design) with the largest approximate expected utility.

For more details on the ACE algorithm, see Overstall & Woods (2017).


The function will return an object of class "ace" (for acenlm) or "pace" (for pacenlm) which is a list with the following components:


The utility function resulting from the choice of arguments.


The argument start.d.


The design found from Phase I of the ACE algorithm.


The design found from Phase II of the ACE algorithm.


A vector containing the evaluations of the approximate expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase I of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence.


A vector containing the evaluations of the approximate expected utility of the current design at each stage of Phase II of the ACE algorithm. This can be used to assess convergence.


The argument B.


The argument Q.


The argument N1.


The argument N2.


This will be FALSE.


If the object is a result of a direct call to acenlm then this is TRUE.


If the object is a result of a direct call to acenlm then this is the argument criterion.


If the object is a result of a direct call to acenlm then this is the argument method.


If the object is a result of a direct call to aceglm then this is the argument prior.


If the object is a result of a direct call to acenlm then this is the argument formula.


Computational time (in seconds) to run the ACE algorithm.


The argument binary. Will be FALSE for the utility functions currently implemented.


The terminal design (pacenlm only).


If deterministic = "MC", a vector containing n.assess approximations to the expected utility for the terminal design (pacenlm only).

If deterministic = "quadrature", a scalar giving the approximate expected utility for the terminal design (pacenlm only).


A list of the same length as the argument start.d, where each element is the final design (i.e. phase2.d) for each repetition of the ACE algorithm (pacenlm only).


A scalar indicating which repetition of the ACE algorithm resulted in the terminal design (pacenlm only).


These are wrapper functions for ace and pace.


Antony M. Overstall, David C. Woods, Maria Adamou & Damianos Michaelides


Chaloner, K. & Verdinelli, I. (1995). Bayesian experimental design: a review. Statistical Science, 10, 273-304.

Gotwalt, C. M., Jones, B. A. & Steinberg, D. M. (2009). Fast computation of designs robust to parameter uncertainty for nonlinear settings. Technometrics, 51, 88-95.

Meyer, R. & Nachtsheim, C. (1995). The coordinate exchange algorithm for constructing exact optimal experimental designs. Technometrics, 37, 60-69.

Monahan, J. and Genz, A. (1997). Spherical-radial integration rules for Bayesian computation,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 664–674.

Overstall, A.M. & Woods, D.C. (2017). Bayesian design of experiments using approximate coordinate exchange. Technometrics, 59, 458-470.

See Also

ace, aceglm, pace, paceglm.


## This example uses aceglm to find a Bayesian D-optimal design for a 
## compartmental model with 6 runs 1 factor. The priors are 
## those used by Overstall & Woods (2017). The design space for each 
## coordinate is [0, 24] hours.

## Set seed for reproducibility.

## Specify the sample size (number of runs).

start.d<-matrix(24 * randomLHS(n = n, k = 1), nrow = n, ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(as.character(1:n), c("t")))
## Generate an initial design of appropriate dimension. The initial design is a 
## Latin hypercube sample.

low<-c(0.01884, 0.298, 21.8)
upp<-c(0.09884, 8.298, 21.8)
## Lower and upper limits of the support of the uniform prior distributions. Note that the prior
## for the third element is a point mass.

out<-cbind(runif(n = B, min = low[1], max = upp[1]), runif(n = B, min = low[2],max = upp[2]),
runif(n = B, min = low[3], max = upp[3]))
colnames(out)<-c("a", "b", "c")

## Create a function which specifies the prior. This function will return a 
## B by 3 matrix where each row gives a value generated from the prior 
## distribution for the model parameters.

example1<-acenlm(formula = ~ c*(exp( - a * t) - exp( - b * t)), start.d = start.d, prior = prior, 
N1 = 1, N2 = 0, B = c(1000, 1000), lower = 0, upper = 24, method = "MC")
## Call the acenlm function which implements the ACE algorithm requesting 
## only one iteration of Phase I and zero iterations of Phase II. The Monte
## Carlo sample size for the comparison procedure (B[1]) is set to 1000.

## Print out a short summary.

#Non Linear Model 
#Criterion = Bayesian D-optimality 
#Formula: ~c * (exp(-a * t) - exp(-b * t))
#Method:  MC 
#B:  1000 1000 
#Number of runs = 6
#Number of factors = 1
#Number of Phase I iterations = 1
#Number of Phase II iterations = 0
#Computer time = 00:00:00

## Look at the final design.

#           t
#1 19.7787011
#2  2.6431912
#3  0.2356938
#4  8.2471451
#5  1.4742319
#6 12.7062270

prior2 <- list(support = cbind(rbind(low, upp)))
colnames(prior2$support) <- c("a", "b", "c")
example2 <- acenlm(formula = ~ c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), start.d = start.d, 
prior = prior2, lower = 0, upper = 24, N1 = 1, N2 = 0 )
## Call the acenlm function with the default method of "quadrature"

## Final design

#           t
#1  0.5167335
#2  2.3194434
#3  1.5365409
#4  8.2471451
#5 21.9402670
#6 12.7062270

utility <- utilitynlm(formula = ~c * (exp( - a * t) - exp( - b *t)), prior = prior, 
                            desvars = "t", method = "MC" )$utility
## create a utility function to compare designs

mean(utility(example1$phase1.d, B = 20000))
#[1] 12.13773
mean(utility(example2$phase1.d, B = 20000))
#[1] 11.19745
## Compare the two designs using the Monte Carlo approximation

[Package acebayes version 1.10 Index]