ASDABarPlot {accSDA}R Documentation

barplot for ASDA objects


This is a function to visualize the discriminant vector from the ASDA method. The plot is constructed as a ggplot barplot and the main purpose of it is to visually inspect the sparsity of the discriminant vectors. The main things to look for are how many parameters are non-zero and if there is any structure in the ones that are non-zero, but the structure is dependent on the order you specify your variables. For time-series data, this could mean that a chunk of variables are non-zero that are close in time, meaning that there is some particular event that is best for discriminating between the classes that you have.


ASDABarPlot(asdaObj, numDVs = 1, xlabel, ylabel, getList = FALSE, main, ...)



Object from the ASDA function.


Number of discriminant vectors (DVs) to plot. This is limited by the number of DVs outputted from the ASDA function or k-1 DVs where k is the number of classes. The first 1 to numDVs are plotted.


Label to put under every plot


Vector of y-axis labels for each plot, e.g. if there are three DVs, then ylab = c('Discriminant Vector 1', 'Discriminant Vector 2', 'Discriminant Vector 3') is a valid option.


Logical value indicating whether the output should be a list of the plots or the plots stacked in one plot using the gridExtra package. By default the function produces a single plot combining all plots of the DVs.


Main title for the plots, this is not used if getList is set to TRUE.


Extra arguments to grid.arrange.


barplot.ASDA returns either a single combined plot or a list of individual ggplot objects.


This function is used as a quick diagnostics tool for the output from the ASDA function. Feel free to look at the code to customize the plots in any way you like.

See Also



    # Generate and ASDA object with your data, e.g.
    # Prepare training and test set
    # This is a very small data set, I advise you to try it on something with more
    # variables, e.g. something from this source:
    # or possibly run this on the Gaussian data example from the ASDA function
    train <- c(1:40,51:90,101:140)
    Xtrain <- iris[train,1:4]
    nX <- normalize(Xtrain)
    Xtrain <- nX$Xc
    Ytrain <- iris[train,5]
    Xtest <- iris[-train,1:4]
    Xtest <- normalizetest(Xtest,nX)
    Ytest <- iris[-train,5]
    # Run the method
    resIris <- ASDA(Xtrain,Ytrain)

    # Look at the barplots of the DVs

[Package accSDA version 1.1.3 Index]