ASDA {accSDA} | R Documentation |
Accelerated Sparse Discriminant Analysis
Applies accelerated proximal gradient algorithm, proximal gradient algorithm or alternating direction methods of multipliers algorithm to the optimal scoring formulation of sparse discriminant analysis proposed by Clemmensen et al. 2011.
ASDA(Xt, ...)
## Default S3 method:
Om = diag(p),
gam = 0.001,
lam = 1e-06,
q = K - 1,
method = "SDAAP",
control = list(),
Xt |
n by p data matrix, (can also be a data.frame that can be coerced to a matrix) |
... |
Additional arguments for |
Yt |
n by K matrix of indicator variables (Yij = 1 if i in class j). This will later be changed to handle factor variables as well. Each observation belongs in a single class, so for a given row/observation, only one element is 1 and the rest is 0. |
Om |
p by p parameter matrix Omega in generalized elastic net penalty. |
gam |
Regularization parameter for elastic net penalty. |
lam |
Regularization parameter for l1 penalty, must be greater than zero.
If cross-validation is used ( |
q |
Desired number of discriminant vectors. |
method |
This parameter selects which optimization method to use. It is specified as a character vector which can be one of the three values
Note that further parameters are passed to the function in the argument |
control |
List of control arguments. See Details. |
The control list contains the following entries to further tune the algorithms.
Maximum number if inner proximal gradient/ADMM algorithm for finding beta. Default value is 1000.
Stopping tolerance for inner method. If the method is
, then this must be a vector of two values, absolute (first element) and relative tolerance (second element). Default value is 1e-5 for both absolute and relative tolerances.maxits
Number of iterations to run. Default value is 250.
Stopping tolerance. Default value is 1e-3.
Penalty parameter for augmented Lagrangian term, must be greater than zero and only needs to be specified when using method
. Default value is 1.CV
Logical value which is
if cross validation is supposed to be performed. If cross-validation is performed, then lam should be specified as a vector containing the regularization values to be tested. Default value isFALSE
Integer determining the number of folds in cross-validation. Not needed if CV is not specified. Default value is 5.
Maximum fraction of nonzero features desired in validation scheme. Not needed if CV is not specified. Default value is 0.15.
Set to
if status updates are supposed to be printed to the R console. Default value isTRUE
. Note that this triggers a lot of printing to the console.ordinal
Set to
if the labels are ordinal. Only available for methodsSDAAP
Option to set the initial theta vector, by default it is a vector of all ones for the first theta.
Logical indicating whether backtracking should be used, only applies to the Proximal Gradient based methods. By default, backtracking is not used.
Initial estimate for Lipshitz constant used for backtracking. Default value is 0.25.
Scalar for Lipshitz constant. Default value is 1.25.
Boolean indicating whether Om is factorized, such that R^t*R=Om, currently only applicable for accelerated proximal gradient.
returns an object of class
" including a list
with the following named components:
The matched call.
p by q matrix of discriminant vectors, i.e. sparse loadings.
K by q matrix of scoring vectors, i.e. optimal scores.
Names of the predictors used, i.e. column names of Xt.
Number of variables in Xt.
Output from function
on projected data. This isNULL
the trivial solution is found, i.e. B is all zeroes. Use lower values oflam
if that is the case.classes
The classes in Yt.
The lambda/
used, best value found by cross- validation ifCV
The input matrix Xt should be normalized, i.e. each column corresponding to
a variable should have its mean subtracted and scaled to unit length. The functions
and normalizetest
are supplied for this purpose in the package.
See Also
# Prepare training and test set
train <- c(1:40,51:90,101:140)
Xtrain <- iris[train,1:4]
nX <- normalize(Xtrain)
Xtrain <- nX$Xc
Ytrain <- iris[train,5]
Xtest <- iris[-train,1:4]
Xtest <- normalizetest(Xtest,nX)
Ytest <- iris[-train,5]
# Define parameters for Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (SDAD)
Om <- diag(4)+0.1*matrix(1,4,4) #elNet coef mat
gam <- 0.0001
lam <- 0.0001
method <- "SDAD"
q <- 2
control <- list(PGsteps = 100,
PGtol = c(1e-5,1e-5),
mu = 1,
maxits = 100,
tol = 1e-3,
quiet = FALSE)
# Run the algorithm
res <- ASDA(Xt = Xtrain,
Yt = Ytrain,
Om = Om,
gam = gam ,
lam = lam,
q = q,
method = method,
control = control)
# Can also just use the defaults, which is Accelerated Proximal Gradient (SDAAP):
resDef <- ASDA(Xtrain,Ytrain)
# Some example on simulated data
# Generate Gaussian data on three classes with plenty of redundant variables
# This example shows the basic steps on how to apply this to data, i.e.:
# 1) Setup training data
# 2) Normalize
# 3) Train
# 4) Predict
# 5) Plot projected data
# 6) Accuracy on test set
P <- 300 # Number of variables
N <- 50 # Number of samples per class
# Mean for classes, they are zero everywhere except the first 3 coordinates
m1 <- rep(0,P)
m1[1] <- 3
m2 <- rep(0,P)
m2[2] <- 3
m3 <- rep(0,P)
m3[3] <- 3
# Sample dummy data
Xtrain <- rbind(MASS::mvrnorm(n=N,mu = m1, Sigma = diag(P)),
MASS::mvrnorm(n=N,mu = m2, Sigma = diag(P)),
MASS::mvrnorm(n=N,mu = m3, Sigma = diag(P)))
Xtest <- rbind(MASS::mvrnorm(n=N,mu = m1, Sigma = diag(P)),
MASS::mvrnorm(n=N,mu = m2, Sigma = diag(P)),
MASS::mvrnorm(n=N,mu = m3, Sigma = diag(P)))
# Generate the labels
Ytrain <- factor(rep(1:3,each=N))
Ytest <- Ytrain
# Normalize the data
Xt <- accSDA::normalize(Xtrain)
Xtrain <- Xt$Xc # Use the centered and scaled data
Xtest <- accSDA::normalizetest(Xtest,Xt)
# Train the classifier and increase the sparsity parameter from the default
# so we penalize more for non-sparse solutions.
res <- accSDA::ASDA(Xtrain,Ytrain,lam=0.01)
# Plot the projected training data, it is projected to
# 2-dimension because we have 3 classes. The number of discriminant
# vectors is maximum number of classes minus 1.
XtrainProjected <- Xtrain%*%res$beta
# Predict on the test data
preds <- predict(res, newdata = Xtest)
# Plot projected test data with predicted and correct labels
XtestProjected <- Xtest%*%res$beta
main="Projected test data with original labels")
main="Projected test data with predicted labels")
# Calculate accuracy
sum(preds$class == Ytest)/(3*N) # We have N samples per class, so total 3*N