dprior {abtest}R Documentation

Prior Density


Function for evaluating the prior density.


  x2 = NULL,
  prior_par = list(mu_psi = 0, sigma_psi = 1, mu_beta = 0, sigma_beta = 1),
  what = "logor",
  hypothesis = "H1"



numeric vector with values at which the prior density should be evaluated.


if what = "p1p2", value of p2 (i.e., the latent "success" probability in the experimental condition) at which the joint prior density should be evaluated. If what = "p2givenp1", the given value of p1 (i.e., the latent "success" probability in the control condition).


list with prior parameters. This list needs to contain the following elements: mu_psi (prior mean for the normal prior on the test-relevant log odds ratio), sigma_psi (prior standard deviation for the normal prior on the test-relevant log odds ratio), mu_beta (prior mean for the normal prior on the grand mean of the log odds), sigma_beta (prior standard deviation for the normal prior on the grand mean of the log odds). Each of the elements needs to be a real number (the standard deviations need to be positive). The default are standard normal priors for both the log odds ratio parameter and the grand mean of the log odds parameter.


character specifying for which quantity the prior density should be evaluated. Either "logor" (i.e., log odds ratio) , "or" (i.e., odds ratio), "p1p2" (i.e., the joint density of the latent "success" probability in the experimental and control condition), "p1" (i.e., latent "success" probability in the control condition), "p2" (i.e., latent "success" probability in the experimental condition), "p2givenp1" (i.e., conditional distribution of the latent "success" probability in the experimental condition given a "success" probability of p1 in the control condition), "rrisk" (i.e., relative risk, the ratio of the "success" probability in the experimental and the control condition), or "arisk" (i.e., absolute risk, the difference of the "success" probability in the experimental and control condition).


character specifying whether to evaluate the two-sided prior density (i.e., "H1"), the one-sided prior density with lower truncation point (i.e., "H+"), or the one-sided prior density with upper truncation point (i.e., "H-").


numeric vector with the values of the prior density.


Internally, the test-relevant prior is always a normal prior on the log odds ratio, consequently, if what is not "logor", the implied prior density for the quantity is returned.


Quentin F. Gronau


# prior parameters
prior_par <- list(mu_psi = 0, sigma_psi = 1,
                  mu_beta = 0, sigma_beta = 1)

# prior density
dprior(x1 = 0.1, prior_par = prior_par, what = "logor")
dprior(x1 = 1.1, prior_par = prior_par, what = "or")
dprior(x1 = 0.49, x2 = 0.51, prior_par = prior_par, what = "p1p2")
dprior(x1 = 0.45, prior_par = prior_par, what = "p1")
dprior(x1 = 0.45, prior_par = prior_par, what = "p2")
dprior(x1 = 0.49, x2 = 0.51, prior_par = prior_par, what = "p2givenp1")
dprior(x1 = 1.05, prior_par = prior_par, what = "rrisk")
dprior(x1 = 0.02, prior_par = prior_par, what = "arisk")

# also works for vectors
dprior(x1 = c(-0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2), prior_par = prior_par, what = "logor")

[Package abtest version 1.0.1 Index]