Fast Best Subset Selection

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Documentation for package ‘abess’ version 0.4.8

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abess Adaptive best subset selection (for generalized linear model)
abess.default Adaptive best subset selection (for generalized linear model)
abess.formula Adaptive best subset selection (for generalized linear model)
abesspca Adaptive best subset selection for principal component analysis
abessrpca Adaptive best subset selection for robust principal component analysis
coef.abess Extract Model Coefficients from a fitted "'abess'" object.
coef.abesspca Extract Sparse Loadings from a fitted "'abesspca'" object.
coef.abessrpca Extract sparse component from a fitted "'abessrpca'" object.
deviance.abess Extract the deviance from a fitted "'abess'" object.
extract Extract one model from a fitted "'abess'" object.
extract.abess Extract one model from a fitted "'abess'" object. Generate simulated data
generate.matrix Generate matrix composed of a sparse matrix and low-rank matrix
generate.spc.matrix Generate matrix with sparse principal component
plot.abess Creat plot from a fitted "'abess'" object
plot.abesspca Creat plot from a fitted "'abess'" object
plot.abessrpca Creat plot from a fitted "'abessrpca'" object
predict.abess Make predictions from a fitted "'abess'" object.
print.abess Print method for a fitted "'abess'" object
print.abesspca Print method for a fitted "'abesspca'" object
print.abessrpca Print method for a fitted "'abessrpca'" object
trim32 The Bardet-Biedl syndrome Gene expression data