supclass {abclass} | R Documentation |
Multi-Category Classifiers with Sup-Norm Regularization
Experimental implementations of multi-category classifiers with sup-norm penalties proposed by Zhang, et al. (2008) and Li & Zhang (2021).
model = c("logistic", "psvm", "svm"),
penalty = c("lasso", "scad"),
start = NULL,
control = list(),
lambda = 0.1,
adaptive_weight = NULL,
scad_a = 3.7,
maxit = 50,
epsilon = 1e-04,
shrinkage = 1e-04,
warm_start = TRUE,
standardize = TRUE,
verbose = 0L,
x |
A numeric matrix representing the design matrix. No missing valus
are allowed. The coefficient estimates for constant columns will be
zero. Thus, one should set the argument |
y |
An integer vector, a character vector, or a factor vector representing the response label. |
model |
A charactor vector specifying the classification model. The
available options are |
penalty |
A charactor vector specifying the penalty function for the
sup-norms. The available options are |
start |
A numeric matrix representing the starting values for the quadratic approximation procedure behind the scene. |
control |
A list with named elements. |
... |
Optional control parameters passed to the
lambda |
A numeric vector specifying the tuning parameter
lambda. The default value is |
adaptive_weight |
A numeric vector or matrix representing the adaptive
penalty weights. The default value is |
scad_a |
A positive number specifying the tuning parameter a in the SCAD penalty. |
maxit |
A positive integer specifying the maximum number of iteration.
The default value is |
epsilon |
A positive number specifying the relative tolerance that
determines convergence. The default value is |
shrinkage |
A nonnegative tolerance to shrink estimates with sup-norm
close enough to zero (within the specified tolerance) to zeros. The
default value is |
warm_start |
A logical value indicating if the estimates from last
lambda should be used as the starting values for the next lambda. If
standardize |
A logical value indicating if a standardization procedure should be performed so that each column of the design matrix has mean zero and standardization |
verbose |
A nonnegative integer specifying if the estimation procedure
is allowed to print out intermediate steps/results. The default value
is |
For the multinomial logistic model or the proximal SVM model, this function
utilizes the function quadprog::solve.QP()
to solve the equivalent
quadratic problem; For the multi-class SVM, this function utilizes GNU GLPK
to solve the equivalent linear programming problem via the package Rglpk.
It is recommended to use a recent version of GLPK.
Zhang, H. H., Liu, Y., Wu, Y., & Zhu, J. (2008). Variable selection for the multicategory SVM via adaptive sup-norm regularization. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2, 149–167.
Li, N., & Zhang, H. H. (2021). Sparse learning with non-convex penalty in multi-classification. Journal of Data Science, 19(1), 56–74.
## toy examples for demonstration purpose
## reference: example 1 in Zhang and Liu (2014)
ntrain <- 100 # size of training set
ntest <- 1000 # size of testing set
p0 <- 2 # number of actual predictors
p1 <- 2 # number of random predictors
k <- 3 # number of categories
n <- ntrain + ntest; p <- p0 + p1
train_idx <- seq_len(ntrain)
y <- sample(k, size = n, replace = TRUE) # response
mu <- matrix(rnorm(p0 * k), nrow = k, ncol = p0) # mean vector
## normalize the mean vector so that they are distributed on the unit circle
mu <- mu / apply(mu, 1, function(a) sqrt(sum(a ^ 2)))
x0 <- t(sapply(y, function(i) rnorm(p0, mean = mu[i, ], sd = 0.25)))
x1 <- matrix(rnorm(p1 * n, sd = 0.3), nrow = n, ncol = p1)
x <- cbind(x0, x1)
train_x <- x[train_idx, ]
test_x <- x[- train_idx, ]
y <- factor(paste0("label_", y))
train_y <- y[train_idx]
test_y <- y[- train_idx]
## regularization with the supnorm lasso penalty
options("mc.cores" = 1)
model <- supclass(train_x, train_y, model = "psvm", penalty = "lasso")
pred <- predict(model, test_x)
table(test_y, pred)
mean(test_y == pred) # accuracy