daily.precip.totals |
Return daily precipitation totals for a site |
daily.rad.stats |
Return daily total radiation statistics for a site |
daily.soil.temp.mean |
Return daily soil temperature means by horizon |
daily.temp.stats |
Return daily temperature statistics for a site |
dp.avail |
Query for data product availability |
dp.search |
Return data product IDs based on a search keyword |
get.data |
Download data for a specified data product |
get.dp.meta |
Return NEON data product metadata |
get.site.meta |
Return NEON site metadata |
map |
Return the Mean Annual Precipitation statistics for a site |
mat |
Return the Mean Annual Temperature at a site |
root.mass |
Return Mean Root Masses by Depth |
site.litter.isotopes |
Return Mean Delta Values of Stable Isotopes in Litterfall |