R Wrapper for the 'Wufoo.com' - The Form Building Service

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Documentation for package ‘WufooR’ version 1.0.1

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auth_key Authentication
auth_name Authentication
fields_info Return details about form's fields
form_comments Returns any comments made on this form's entries in the Entry Manager
form_commentsCount Returns a count of all comments made on this form's entries
form_entries Return responses of your form
form_entriesCount Return number of responses to your form
form_entriesFromCSV Return responses of your form, from CSV format
form_info Return details about the forms you have permission to access.
reports_info Return details about the reports you have permission to view.
report_entries Returns the entries that make up a specific report.
report_entriesCount Returns a count of the entries stored for a specific report.
report_fields Returns the field structure for the report's corresponding form.
report_info Returns a specific report.
report_widgets Returns details of the widgets that make up a specific report.
retrieve_api_key Retrieve API Key on behalf of users
user_info Return information about the user