WeightedPortTest-package {WeightedPortTest}R Documentation

Weighted Portmanteau Test procedures for Time Series Goodness-of-fit


Two functions that implement the Weighted Portmanteau Statistics from Fisher and Gallagher (2012). The first is essentially a weighted Ljung-Box type test that can be used for fitted ARMA processes or detecting non-linear effects. The second function can be utilized to check the adequacy of a fitted ARCH process. Both are written for backward compatibility.


Package: WeightedPortTest
Type: Package
Version: 1.1
Date: 2023-05-23
License: GPL (>=3)
LazyLoad: yes

The two functions, Weighted.Box.test() and Weighted.LM.test(), can be used in a similiar to the Box.test() function.


Thomas J. Fisher and Colin M. Gallagher

Maintainer: Thomas J. Fisher <fishert4@miamioh.edu>

[Package WeightedPortTest version 1.1 Index]