Clustering of Weighted Data

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Documentation for package ‘WeightedCluster’ version 1.6-4

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as.clustrange Build a clustrange object to compare different clustering solutions.
as.clustrange.dtclust Build a clustrange object to compare different clustering solutions.
as.clustrange.hclust Build a clustrange object to compare different clustering solutions.
as.clustrange.twins Build a clustrange object to compare different clustering solutions.
as.seqtree Convert a hierarchical clustering object to a seqtree object.
as.seqtree.hclust Convert a hierarchical clustering object to a seqtree object.
as.seqtree.twins Convert a hierarchical clustering object to a seqtree object.
clustassoc Share of an association between an object (described by a dissimilarity matrix) and a covariate that is reproduced by a clustering solution.
dtcut Monothetic clustering of state sequences
fuzzyseqplot Plot sequences according to a fuzzy clustering.
plot.clustassoc Share of an association between an object (described by a dissimilarity matrix) and a covariate that is reproduced by a clustering solution.
plot.clustrange Build a clustrange object to compare different clustering solutions.
plot.clustrangefamily Automatic comparison of clustering methods.
plot.seqnullcqi Sequence Analysis Typologies Validation Using Parametric Bootstrap
print.clustrangefamily Automatic comparison of clustering methods.
print.seqnullcqi Sequence Analysis Typologies Validation Using Parametric Bootstrap
print.wcAggregateCases Aggregate identical cases.
seqclustname Automatic labeling of cluster using sequence medoids
seqnull Generate nonclustered sequence data according to different null models.
seqnullcqi Sequence Analysis Typologies Validation Using Parametric Bootstrap
seqpropclust Monothetic clustering of state sequences
summary.clustrangefamily Automatic comparison of clustering methods.
wcAggregateCases Aggregate identical cases. Aggregate identical cases.
wcAggregateCases.matrix Aggregate identical cases.
wcAggregateCases.stslist Aggregate identical cases.
wcClusterQuality Cluster quality statistics
wcCmpCluster Automatic comparison of clustering methods.
wcKMedoids K-Medoids or PAM clustering of weighted data.
wcKMedRange Compute 'wcKMedoids' clustering for different number of clusters.
wcPropertyClustering Monothetic clustering of state sequences
wcSilhouetteObs Compute the silhouette of each object using weighted data.