Weighting for Covariate Balance in Observational Studies

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Documentation for package ‘WeightIt’ version 1.2.0

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as.weightit Create a 'weightit' object manually
as.weightit.default Create a 'weightit' object manually
as.weightit.weightit.fit Create a 'weightit' object manually
as.weightitMSM Create a 'weightit' object manually
as.weightitMSM.default Create a 'weightit' object manually
calibrate Calibrate Propensity Score Weights
calibrate.default Calibrate Propensity Score Weights
calibrate.weightit Calibrate Propensity Score Weights
confint.glm_weightit Methods for 'glm_weightit()' objects
coxph_weightit Fitting Weighted Generalized Linear Models
ESS Compute effective sample size of weighted sample
get_w_from_ps Compute weights from propensity scores
glm_weightit Fitting Weighted Generalized Linear Models
glm_weightit-methods Methods for 'glm_weightit()' objects
lm_weightit Fitting Weighted Generalized Linear Models
make_full_rank Make a design matrix full rank
method_bart Propensity Score Weighting Using BART
method_cbps Covariate Balancing Propensity Score Weighting
method_ebal Entropy Balancing
method_energy Energy Balancing
method_gbm Propensity Score Weighting Using Generalized Boosted Models
method_glm Propensity Score Weighting Using Generalized Linear Models
method_ipt Inverse Probability Tilting
method_npcbps Nonparametric Covariate Balancing Propensity Score Weighting
method_optweight Optimization-Based Weighting
method_sbw Optimization-Based Weighting
method_super Propensity Score Weighting Using SuperLearner
method_user User-Defined Functions for Estimating Weights
msmdata Simulated data for a 3 time point sequential study
multinom_weightit Fitting Weighted Generalized Linear Models
ordinal_weightit Fitting Weighted Generalized Linear Models
plot.summary.weightit Print and Summarize Output
plot.summary.weightitMSM Print and Summarize Output
plot.weightit Plot information about the weight estimation process
predict.glm_weightit Predictions for 'glm_weightit' objects
predict.multinom_weightit Predictions for 'glm_weightit' objects
predict.ordinal_weightit Predictions for 'glm_weightit' objects
print.glm_weightit Methods for 'glm_weightit()' objects
sbps Subgroup Balancing Propensity Score
summary.glm_weightit Methods for 'glm_weightit()' objects
summary.weightit Print and Summarize Output
summary.weightitMSM Print and Summarize Output
trim Trim (Winsorize) Large Weights
trim.default Trim (Winsorize) Large Weights
trim.weightit Trim (Winsorize) Large Weights
vcov.glm_weightit Methods for 'glm_weightit()' objects
weightit Estimate Balancing Weights
weightit.fit Generate Balancing Weights with Minimal Input Processing
weightitMSM Generate Balancing Weights for Longitudinal Treatments