Web Server Log Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘WebAnalytics’ version 0.9.12

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WebAnalytics-package Tools for web server log performance reporting
calculatePercentiles calculate quantile values from a column.
configFilesDirectoryNameGet get the path of the temporary directory used for storing work files
configVariableGet Read a configuration file and store the variables
configVariableIs Read a configuration file and store the variables
configVariablesAll Read a configuration file and store the variables
configVariableSet Read a configuration file and store the variables
configVariablesLoad Read a configuration file and store the variables
laTeXEscapeString Escapes a string to enable it to be embedded in a LaTeX document
laTexFilePercentileComparisonsWrite Write percentile count comparison table
laTeXParagraphWrite Writes a LaTex paragraph on stdout
logFileFieldsGetIIS Get field names from an IIS log file
logFileListRead Given a list of file names, read them as log files
logFileNamesGet Base function for retrieval of file names from a base directory and a list of data directories
logFileNamesGetAll Get the list of file names matching a regex (default picks .log files) from a list of log directories
logFileNamesGetLast Get lexically last file names from a list of log directories.
logFileNamesGetLastMatching Get lexically last file names from a list of log directories, checking that the file names are the same in all directories.
logFileRead Given a list of file names, read them as log files
pdfGenerate Generate a PDF using the R API for TinyTeX
percentileBaselinePrint Print a LaTeX table comparing current and baseline values and return a bar graph of the same data
plotByRate Generates a plot that compares how percentile values in a metric of interest vary as an underlying rate metric changes.
plotDataRateImpactOnResponse Get list of latest files from log directories
plotDataRateImpactOnStaticResponse Plot static object response time against aggregate data rate
plotErrorRateByHour Plots rates of HTTP response code groups by hour
plotFrequencyHistogram Plot histogram of response times for a transaction dataframe
plotFrequencyHistogramOutlierCutoff Plot frequencies of elapsed times up to a percentile cutoff
plotLogResponseTimeScatter Generates a scatter plot of response times
plotParallelismRateImpactOnResponse Plot response time against degree of parallelism
plotResponseTimeScatter Generates a scatter plot of response times
plotSave Save a plot to a file with a generated name
plotSaveGG Save a plot to a file with a generated name
plotTransactionRateImpactOnDynamicContentResponse Generate a plot of mean transaction rate by interval against dynamic content response
plotWriteFilenameToLaTexFile Write an includegraphic element to the generated LaTeX file
printPercentiles calculate quantile values from a column and print as an xtable vertically
sample.config Read a configuration file and store the variables
summaryTxDataFrameCreate Creates a dataframe containing summary URL performance metrics
summaryTxTablePrint Prints a transaction summary table generated by summaryTxDataFrameCreate
WebAnalytics Tools for web server log performance reporting
workingDirectoryPopulate Create files in the working directory to be used for report generation