WebAnalytics-package | Tools for web server log performance reporting |
calculatePercentiles | calculate quantile values from a column. |
configFilesDirectoryNameGet | get the path of the temporary directory used for storing work files |
configVariableGet | Read a configuration file and store the variables |
configVariableIs | Read a configuration file and store the variables |
configVariablesAll | Read a configuration file and store the variables |
configVariableSet | Read a configuration file and store the variables |
configVariablesLoad | Read a configuration file and store the variables |
laTeXEscapeString | Escapes a string to enable it to be embedded in a LaTeX document |
laTexFilePercentileComparisonsWrite | Write percentile count comparison table |
laTeXParagraphWrite | Writes a LaTex paragraph on stdout |
logFileFieldsGetIIS | Get field names from an IIS log file |
logFileListRead | Given a list of file names, read them as log files |
logFileNamesGet | Base function for retrieval of file names from a base directory and a list of data directories |
logFileNamesGetAll | Get the list of file names matching a regex (default picks .log files) from a list of log directories |
logFileNamesGetLast | Get lexically last file names from a list of log directories. |
logFileNamesGetLastMatching | Get lexically last file names from a list of log directories, checking that the file names are the same in all directories. |
logFileRead | Given a list of file names, read them as log files |
pdfGenerate | Generate a PDF using the R API for TinyTeX |
percentileBaselinePrint | Print a LaTeX table comparing current and baseline values and return a bar graph of the same data |
plotByRate | Generates a plot that compares how percentile values in a metric of interest vary as an underlying rate metric changes. |
plotDataRateImpactOnResponse | Get list of latest files from log directories |
plotDataRateImpactOnStaticResponse | Plot static object response time against aggregate data rate |
plotErrorRateByHour | Plots rates of HTTP response code groups by hour |
plotFrequencyHistogram | Plot histogram of response times for a transaction dataframe |
plotFrequencyHistogramOutlierCutoff | Plot frequencies of elapsed times up to a percentile cutoff |
plotLogResponseTimeScatter | Generates a scatter plot of response times |
plotParallelismRateImpactOnResponse | Plot response time against degree of parallelism |
plotResponseTimeScatter | Generates a scatter plot of response times |
plotSave | Save a plot to a file with a generated name |
plotSaveGG | Save a plot to a file with a generated name |
plotTransactionRateImpactOnDynamicContentResponse | Generate a plot of mean transaction rate by interval against dynamic content response |
plotWriteFilenameToLaTexFile | Write an includegraphic element to the generated LaTeX file |
printPercentiles | calculate quantile values from a column and print as an xtable vertically |
sample.config | Read a configuration file and store the variables |
summaryTxDataFrameCreate | Creates a dataframe containing summary URL performance metrics |
summaryTxTablePrint | Prints a transaction summary table generated by summaryTxDataFrameCreate |
WebAnalytics | Tools for web server log performance reporting |
workingDirectoryPopulate | Create files in the working directory to be used for report generation |