extract_signal_standard_deviation {WaverideR}R Documentation

Extract a signal using standard deviation


Extract signal from a wavelet spectra in the depth domain using a the standard deviation of the omega (number of cycles) as boundaries. The uncertainty is based on the Gabor uncertainty principle applied to the continuous wavelet transform using a Morlet wavelet. The calculated uncertainty is the underlying analytical uncertainty which is the result of applying the Gabor uncertainty principle to the continuous wavelet transform using a Morlet wavelet.


  wavelet = NULL,
  tracked_cycle_curve = NULL,
  multi = 1,
  extract_cycle = NULL,
  tracked_cycle_period = NULL,
  add_mean = TRUE,
  tune = FALSE,
  genplot_uncertainty_wt = FALSE,
  genplot_extracted = FALSE,
  keep_editable = FALSE,
  palette_name = "rainbow",
  color_brewer = "grDevices"



Wavelet object created using the analyze_wavelet function.


Curve of the cycle tracked using the track_period_wavelet function. Any input (matrix or data frame) in which the first column is depth or time and the second column is period should work.


multiple of the standard deviation to be used as boundaries for the cycle extraction Default=1.


Period of the cycle to be extracted.


Period of the tracked cycle.


Add mean to the extracted cycle Default=TRUE.


Tune data set using the Default=tracked_cycle_curve curve Default=FALSE.


Generate a wavelet spectra plot with the tracked curve and its analytical uncertainty based the Gabor uncertainty principle applied continuous wavelet transform using a Morlet wavelet on superimposed on top of it. In the plot the red curve and blue curves are the upper and lower bounds based on the multi parameter which x-times the standard deviation of uncertainty. The black curve is the Default=FALSE curve.


Generates a plot with the data set and the extracted cycle on top Default=FALSE of it.


Keep option to add extra features after plotting Default=FALSE


Name of the color palette which is used for plotting. The color palettes than can be chosen depends on which the R package is specified in the color_brewer parameter. The included R packages from which palettes can be chosen from are; the 'RColorBrewer', 'grDevices', 'ColorRamps' and 'Viridis' R packages. There are many options to choose from so please read the documentation of these packages Default=rainbow. The R package 'viridis' has the color palette options: “magma”, “plasma”, “inferno”, “viridis”, “mako”, and “rocket” and “turbo” To see the color palette options of the The R pacakge 'RColorBrewer' run the RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info() function The R package 'colorRamps' has the color palette options:"blue2green", "blue2green2red", "blue2red", "blue2yellow", "colorRamps", "cyan2yellow", "green2red", "magenta2green", "matlab.like", "matlab.like2" and "ygobb" The R package 'grDevices' has the built in palette options:"rainbow", "heat.colors", "terrain.colors","topo.colors" and "cm.colors" To see even more color palette options of the The R pacakge 'grDevices' run the grDevices::hcl.pals() function


Name of the R package from which the color palette is chosen from. The included R packages from which palettes can be chosen are; the RColorBrewer, grDevices, ColorRamps and Viridis R packages. There are many options to choose from so please read the documentation of these packages. "Default=grDevices


Signal extracted from the wavelet spectra. Output is a matrix with the first column being depth/time and the second column is the astronomical cycle extracted from the proxy record

If genplot_uncertainty_wt=TRUE then a wavelet spectra will be plotted with the uncertainty superimposed on top of it. In the plot the red curve and blue curves are the upper and lower bounds based on the multi parameter.The black curve is the Default=tracked_cycle_curve curve. If genplot_extracted=TRUE plot with the data set and the extracted cycle on top of it will be plotted.


Code based on the reconstruct function of the 'WaveletComp' R package which is based on the wavelet 'MATLAB' code written by Christopher Torrence and Gibert P. Compo (1998). The assignment of the standard deviation of the uncertainty of the wavelet is based on the work of Gabor (1946) and Russell et al., (2016)


Angi Roesch and Harald Schmidbauer (2018). WaveletComp: Computational Wavelet Analysis. R package version 1.1. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=WaveletComp

Gouhier TC, Grinsted A, Simko V (2021). R package biwavelet: Conduct Univariate and Bivariate Wavelet Analyses. (Version 0.20.21), https://github.com/tgouhier/biwavelet

Torrence, C., and G. P. Compo. 1998. A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 79:61-78. https://paos.colorado.edu/research/wavelets/bams_79_01_0061.pdf

Gabor, Dennis. "Theory of communication. Part 1: The analysis of information." Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers-part III: radio and communication engineering 93, no. 26 (1946): 429-441.http://genesis.eecg.toronto.edu/gabor1946.pdf

Russell, Brian, and Jiajun Han. "Jean Morlet and the continuous wavelet transform. " CREWES Res. Rep 28 (2016): 115. https://www.crewes.org/Documents/ResearchReports/2016/CRR201668.pdf

Morlet, Jean, Georges Arens, Eliane Fourgeau, and Dominique Glard. "Wave propagation and sampling theory—Part I: Complex signal and scattering in multilayered media. " Geophysics 47, no. 2 (1982): 203-221. https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/geophysics/article/47/2/203/68601/Wave-propagation-and-sampling-theory-Part-I

J. Morlet, G. Arens, E. Fourgeau, D. Giard; Wave propagation and sampling theory; Part II, Sampling theory and complex waves. Geophysics 1982 47 (2): 222–236. https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/geophysics/article/47/2/222/68604/Wave-propagation-and-sampling-theory-Part-II


#Extract the 405 kyr eccentricity cycle from the magnetic susceptibility
#record of the Sullivan core of Pas et al., (2018) and use the Gabor
# uncertainty principle to define the mathematical uncertainty of the
# analysis and use a factor of that standard deviation to define
# boundaries

# perform the CWT
mag_wt <- analyze_wavelet(data = mag,
dj = 1/100,
lowerPeriod = 0.1,
upperPeriod = 254,
verbose = FALSE,
omega_nr = 10)

#Track the 405 kyr eccentricity cycle in a wavelet spectra

#mag_track <- track_period_wavelet(astro_cycle = 405,
#                                   wavelet=mag_wt,
#                                   n.levels = 100,
#                                   periodlab = "Period (metres)",
#                                   x_lab = "depth (metres)",
#                                   palette_name="rainbow",
#                                   color_brewer="grDevices")

#Instead of tracking, the tracked solution data set mag_track_solution is used
mag_track <- mag_track_solution

mag_track_complete <- completed_series(
  wavelet = mag_wt,
  tracked_curve = mag_track,
  period_up = 1.2,
  period_down = 0.8,
  extrapolate = TRUE,
  genplot = FALSE

# smooth the tracking of the 405 kyr eccentricity cycle
mag_track_complete <- loess_auto(time_series = mag_track_complete,
genplot = FALSE, print_span = FALSE)

# extract the 405 kyr eccentricity cycle from the wavelet spectrum and use
# the Gabor uncertainty principle to define the mathematical uncertainty of
# the analysis and use a multiple of the derived standard deviation to define boundaries

mag_405_ecc <- extract_signal_standard_deviation(
wavelet = mag_wt,
tracked_cycle_curve = mag_track_complete,
multi = 1,
extract_cycle = 405,
tracked_cycle_period = 405,
add_mean = TRUE,
tune = FALSE,
genplot_uncertainty_wt = FALSE,
genplot_extracted = FALSE,

[Package WaverideR version 0.3.2 Index]