delpts_tracked_period_wt {WaverideR}R Documentation

Remove tracking points which were tracked in a wavelet spectra


Interactively select points for deletion With the track_period_wavelet function it is possible to track points in a wavelet spectra, however errors can be made and as such it is possible to delete these points with the delpts_tracked_period_wt function. This function allows one to select points for deletion. #'


  tracking_pts = NULL,
  wavelet = NULL,
  n.levels = 100,
  periodlab = "Period (metres)",
  x_lab = "depth (metres)",
  palette_name = "rainbow",
  color_brewer = "grDevices"



Points tracked using the track_period_wavelet function.


Wavelet object created using the analyze_wavelet function.


Number of color levels Default=100.


label for the y-axis Default="Period (metres)".


label for the x-axis Default="depth (metres)".


Name of the color palette which is used for plotting. The color palettes than can be chosen depends on which the R package is specified in the color_brewer parameter. The included R packages from which palettes can be chosen from are; the 'RColorBrewer', 'grDevices', 'ColorRamps' and 'Viridis' R packages. There are many options to choose from so please read the documentation of these packages Default=rainbow. The R package 'viridis' has the color palette options: “magma”, “plasma”, “inferno”, “viridis”, “mako”, and “rocket” and “turbo” To see the color palette options of the The R pacakge 'RColorBrewer' run the function The R package 'colorRamps' has the color palette options:"blue2green", "blue2green2red", "blue2red", "blue2yellow", "colorRamps", "cyan2yellow", "green2red", "magenta2green", "", "matlab.like2" and "ygobb" The R package 'grDevices' has the built in palette options:"rainbow", "heat.colors", "terrain.colors","topo.colors" and "cm.colors" To see even more color palette options of the The R pacakge 'grDevices' run the grDevices::hcl.pals() function


Name of the R package from which the color palette is chosen from. The included R packages from which palettes can be chosen are; the RColorBrewer, grDevices, ColorRamps and Viridis R packages. There are many options to choose from so please read the documentation of these packages. "Default=grDevices


The results of the deletion of the tracking points is a matrix with 3 columns. The first column is depth/time The second column is the period of the tracked cycle The third column is the sedimentation rate based on the duration (in time) of the tracked cycle


#Track the 405kyr eccentricity cycle in the magnetic susceptibility record
# of the Sullivan core of Pas et al., (2018)

mag_wt <- analyze_wavelet(data = mag,
dj = 1/100,
lowerPeriod = 0.1,
upperPeriod = 254,
verbose = FALSE,
omega_nr = 10)

#mag_track <- track_period_wavelet(astro_cycle = 405,
#                                   wavelet=mag_wt,
#                                   n.levels = 100,
#                                   periodlab = "Period (metres)",
#                                   x_lab = "depth (metres)"
#                                    palette_name ="rainbow",
#                                    color_brewer ="grDevices)

#load the mag_track_solution data set to get an example data set from which
#data points can be deleted

mag_track_corr <- delpts_tracked_period_wt(tracking_pts = mag_track_solution,
                                    wavelet = mag_wt,
                                    n.levels = 100,
                                    periodlab = "Period (metres)",
                                    x_lab = "depth (metres)",
                                   palette_name ="rainbow",
                                   color_brewer ="grDevices")

[Package WaverideR version 0.3.2 Index]