curve2sedrate {WaverideR}R Documentation

Convert a tracked tracked to a sedimentation rate curve


Converts the period of a tracked cycle to a sedimentation rate curve by assigning a duration (in kyr) to the period of a tracked cycle


curve2sedrate(tracked_cycle_curve = NULL, tracked_cycle_period = NULL)



A tracked cycle which is the result of using the track_period_wavelet function
Any input (matrix or data frame) in which the first column is depth in meters and the second column is period in meters


Period of the tracked cycle (in kyr).


The output is a matrix with 2 columns The first column is depth The second column sedimentation rate in cm/kyr


#Conversion of the period (in meters) of a 405 kyr eccentricity cycle tracked
#in a wavelet spectra by assigning a duration of  405 kyr to the tracked cycle.
# the example uses the magnetic susceptibility data set of Pas et al., (2018)
# perform the CWT
mag_wt <- analyze_wavelet(data = mag,
dj = 1/100,
lowerPeriod = 0.1,
upperPeriod = 254,
verbose = FALSE,
omega_nr = 10)

#Track the 405 kyr eccentricity cycle in a wavelet spectra

#mag_track <- track_period_wavelet(astro_cycle = 405,
#                                   wavelet=mag_wt,
#                                   n.levels = 100,
#                                   periodlab = "Period (metres)",
#                                   x_lab = "depth (metres)")

#Instead of tracking, the tracked solution data set \code{\link{mag_track_solution}} is used \cr
mag_track <- mag_track_solution

mag_track_complete <- completed_series(
  wavelet = mag_wt,
  tracked_curve = mag_track,
  period_up = 1.2,
  period_down = 0.8,
  extrapolate = TRUE,
  genplot = FALSE

# smooth the tracking of the 405 kyr eccentricity cycle
mag_track_complete <- loess_auto(time_series = mag_track_complete,
genplot = FALSE, print_span = FALSE)

#convert period in meters to sedrate in cm/kyr
mag_track_sedrate <- curve2sedrate(tracked_cycle_curve=mag_track_complete,

[Package WaverideR version 0.3.2 Index]