wpik {WaveSampling}R Documentation

Stratification matrix from inclusion probabilities


The stratification matrix is calculated from the inclusion probabilities. It takes the distances between units into account. See Details.


wpik(X, pik, bound = 1, tore = FALSE, shift = FALSE, toreBound = -1)



matrix representing the spatial coordinates.


vector of the inclusion probabilities. The length should be equal to NN.


a scalar representing the bound to reach. Default is 1.


an optional logical value, if we are considering the distance on a tore. Default is FALSE.


an optional logical value, if you would use a shift perturbation. See Details for more informations. Default is FALSE.


a numeric value that specify the size of the grid. Default is -1.


Entries of the stratification matrix indicates how the units are close from each others. Hence a large value wklw_{kl} means that the unit kk is close to the unit ll. This function considers that a unit represents its neighbor till their inclusion probabilities sum up to bound.

We define GkG_k the set of the nearest neighbor of the unit kk including kk such that the sum of their inclusion probabilities is just greater than bound. Moreover, let gk=#Gkg_k = \#{G_k}, the number of elements in GkG_k. The matrix W\bf W is then defined as follows,

Hence, the kkth row of the matrix represents neighborhood or stratum of the unit such that the inclusion probabilities sum up to 1 and the kkth column the weights that unit kk takes for each stratum.

The option shift add a small normally distributed perturbation rnorm(0,0.01) to the coordinates of the centroid of the stratum considered. This could be useful if there are many unit that have the same distances. Indeed, if two units have the same distance and are the last unit before that the bound is reached, then the weights of the both units is updated. If a shift perturbation is used then all the distances are differents and only one unit weight is update such that the bound is reached.

The shift perturbation is generated at the beginning of the procedure such that each stratum is shifted by the same perturbation.


A sparse matrix representing the spatial weights.


Raphaël Jauslin raphael.jauslin@unine.ch

See Also

wpikInv, distUnitk, wave.


N <- 25
n <- 5
X <- as.matrix(cbind(runif(N),runif(N)))
pik <- rep(n/N,N)
W <- wpik(X,pik)

[Package WaveSampling version 0.1.3 Index]