createDemandSite {WRSS}R Documentation

Constructor for class of createDemandSite


this function constructs an object from class of createDemandSite, which represents a demand site such as domestic, agricultural, and etc, with a specified demand time series.


createDemandSite(name, demandTS, demandParams,
                 returnFlowFraction, suppliers,
                 downstream, priority)



(optional) A string: the name of the demand site


A vector: a vector of demand time series (MCM). If demandParams is null, providing the demandTS is compulsory.


A list: If demandTS is missing, the demandParams must be provided to establish demandTS. The demandParams includes three parts as follows:

  • waterUseRate: The total water demand per hectare (MCM) per a given water cycle.

  • waterVariation: A vector of the precentages for water demand distribution within a water cycle (the precentages in each interval). For instance, if the cycle is annually and the interval is 'month'ly, the waterVariation could be a vector of length of 12, for which its indices signify the monthly portion of water demand, in precentage, by the total water demand required for the whole cycle.

  • cropArea: the area of cropping farms (in hectare).


(optional) returnFlowFraction is fraction of total supplied water to the demand site. The return flow is computed as the product of returnFlowFraction and the amount of water the demand sites receives. returnFlowFraction must be in [0, 1] interval.


(optional) A list of object(s) inherited from the folowing classes: createAquifer, createRiver, createReservoir, codecreateDiversion.


(optional) An object from either of classes of createAquifer , createRiver, createReservoir, createJunction, createDiversion, or createDemandSite; which return flow volume pours to it.


(optional) An integer: the priority to be supplied. A value in [1, 99] interval.


An object from class of createDemandSite


Rezgar Arabzadeh

See Also


[Package WRSS version 3.1 Index]