WLogit-package {WLogit}R Documentation

Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Logistic Regression Models using a Whitening Approach


It proposes a novel variable selection approach in classification problem that takes into account the correlations that may exist between the predictors of the design matrix in a high-dimensional logistic model. Our approach consists in rewriting the initial high-dimensional logistic model to remove the correlation between the predictors and in applying the generalized Lasso criterion.



Package: WLogit
Type: Package
Title: Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Logistic Regression Models using a Whitening Approach
Version: 2.1
Date: 2023-07-17
Author: Wencan Zhu
Maintainer: Wencan Zhu <wencan.zhu@yahoo.com>
Description: It proposes a novel variable selection approach in classification problem that takes into account the correlations that may exist between the predictors of the design matrix in a high-dimensional logistic model. Our approach consists in rewriting the initial high-dimensional logistic model to remove the correlation between the predictors and in applying the generalized Lasso criterion.
License: GPL-2
Imports: cvCovEst, genlasso, tibble, MASS, ggplot2, Matrix, glmnet, corpcor
VignetteBuilder: knitr
Suggests: knitr
Depends: R (>= 3.5.0)
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2023-07-17 07:06:43 UTC; mmip

Index of help topics:

CalculPx                Calculate the class-conditional probabilities.
CalculWeight            Calculate the weight
Refit_glm               Refit the logistic regression with chosen
Thresholding            Thresholding on a vector
WLogit-package          Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Logistic
                        Regression Models using a Whitening Approach
WhiteningLogit          Variable selection in high-dimensional logistic
                        regression models using a whitening approach
WorkingResp             Calculate the working response
X                       Example of a design matrix of a logistic model
beta                    True coefficients in the esample.
test                    WLogit output
top                     Thresholding to zero of the smallest values
top_thresh              Thresholding to a given threshold of the
                        smallest values
y                       Example of a binary response variable of a
                        logistic model.

Further information is available in the following vignettes:

Vignettes WLogit package (source, pdf)

This package consists of functions: "WhiteningLogit", "CalculPx", "CalculWeight", "Refit_glm", "top", "top_thresh", "WorkingResp", and "Thresholding". For further information on how to use these functions, we refer the reader to the vignette of the package.


Wencan Zhu

Maintainer: Wencan Zhu <wencan.zhu@yahoo.com>


W. Zhu, C. Levy-Leduc, N. Ternes. "Variable selection in high-dimensional logistic regression models using a whitening approach". (2022)

[Package WLogit version 2.1 Index]