{WINS} | R Documentation |
Function for Data Simulation
A function to simulate a dataset with dependent endpoints. The time-to-event endpoints generated are assumed to have noninformative censoring.
Usage = 12345, n_trt = 200, n_con = 200, n_ep = 2, n_stratum = 1, = c(1,2), ep_type, cdist.rate, sim_method = "copula",
copula_trt = NULL, margins_trt = NULL, paramMargins_trt = NULL,
copula_con = NULL, margins_con = NULL, paramMargins_con = NULL,
rate_trt = NULL, rate_con = NULL, max_accrual_time = NULL)
randomseed |
The random seed. |
n_trt |
The number of individuals in the treatment group. |
n_con |
The number of individuals in the control group. |
n_ep |
The number of endpoints. |
n_stratum |
The number of strata. For the simulated dataset, n_stratum is fixed at 1 assuming homogeneous population. | |
A vector for the labels of the two experimental arms, default to be c(1,2). The first label is for the treatment group, and the second label is for the control group. |
ep_type |
A vector for the outcome type for each endpoint. If scalar, the function will treat all the endpoints as the same type. The types of outcome include:
cdist.rate |
The censoring time is generated from an exponential distribution. This argument is a vector with the rate of the censoring distribution for each time-to-event endpoint. If scalar, the function will treat all the rate for censoring distribution as the same. |
sim_method |
Method used to generate multivariate dependence. Possible choices include "copula" and "tte_exponential" |
copula_trt |
an object of "copula" for the treatment group. |
margins_trt |
a character vector specifying all the parametric marginal distributions for the treatment group. See details in the R documentation for function "copula::Mvd". |
paramMargins_trt |
a list for which each element is a list (or numeric vectors) of named components, giving the parameter values of the marginal distributions for the treatment group. See details in the R documentation for function "copula::Mvd". |
copula_con |
Same argument as "copula_trt" for the control group. |
margins_con |
Same argument as "margins_trt" for the control group. |
paramMargins_con |
Same argument as "paramMargins_trt" for the control group. |
rate_trt |
A vector of the rate in the treatment group for each time-to-event endpoint following an exponential distribution when "sim_method" is set to be the option "tte_exponential". |
rate_con |
A vector of the rate in the control group for each time-to-event endpoint following an exponential distribution when "sim_method" is set to be the option "tte_exponential". |
max_accrual_time |
if specified, simulate the study entry time for each individual from uniform distribution U(0,max_accrual_time). |
To learn more about "copula", please refer to a discussion on modelling dependence with copulas with the link It shows on a high level how copula works, how to use a copula in R using the copula package and then provides a simple example. Moreover, when "sim_method" is set to be the option "tte_exponential", we simulate two endpoints based on the exponential distribution. Dependence between the two simulated endpoints is introduced, as the earlier endpoint takes the min of the two simulated exponential variables.
data |
The analysis dataset which contains the following variables:
#### Generate with copula: This example is for three endpoints, noted as Y_1, Y_2, and Y_3,
#### with endpoint type as TTE, TTE and continuous.
#### For both the treatment group and the control group, the correlation coefficients
#### cor(Y_1,Y_2), cor(Y_1,Y_3) and cor(Y_2,Y_3) are 0.9, 0.8 and 0.95, respectively.
#### For each treatment group, the marginal distribution for Y_1, Y_2, and Y_3 are Gamma,
#### Beta and Student t specified as a vector in "margins_trt"/"margins_con". The parameters
#### are specified as a list corresponding to the margianl distributions in "paramMargins_trt"
#### or "paramMargins_con". <- = 150, n_con = 100, n_ep = 3, = c("A","B"),
ep_type = c("tte","tte","continuous"), cdist.rate = 0.5, sim_method = "copula",
copula_trt=copula::normalCopula(param=c(0.9,0.8,0.95), dim = 3, dispstr = "un"),
margins_trt=c("gamma", "beta", "t"),
paramMargins_trt=list(list(shape=2, scale=1),list(shape1=2, shape2=2),list(df=5)),
copula_con=copula::normalCopula(param=c(0.9,0.8,0.95), dim = 3, dispstr = "un"),
margins_con=c("gamma", "beta", "t"),
paramMargins_con=list(list(shape=1, scale=1),list(shape1=1, shape2=2),list(df=2)),
max_accrual_time = 5)
win_stat <- win.stat(data =, ep_type = c("tte","tte","continuous"), = c("A","B"), priority = c(1,2,3))
#### Generate two TTE endpoints with the more important TTE endpoint expected to occur later
#### with exponential distribution.
sim.data2 <- = 150, n_con = 100, n_ep = 2, = c("A","B"),
ep_type = c("tte","tte"), cdist.rate = 0.5, sim_method = "tte_exponential",
rate_trt = c(0.2,0.25),rate_con = c(0.4,0.5), max_accrual_time = 5)
win_stat2 <- win.stat(data = sim.data2, ep_type = c("tte","tte"), = c("A","B"),
priority = c(1,2))