GrowthMP {WALS} | R Documentation |
Determinants of Economic Growth
Growth regression data used in Masanjala and Papageorgiou (2008).
A data frame with 37 observations on 25 variables:
- gdpgrowth
Average growth rate of GDP per capita from 1960 - 1992 at purchasing power parity.
- lgdp60
Logarithm of GDP per capita in 1960.
- yrsopen
Fraction of years economy open from 1960 - 1990.
- mining
Fraction of GDP in mining.
- primexp70
Share of exports of primary products in GDP in 1970.
- invest
Ratio of real domestic investment (public and private) to real GDP.
- rerd
Real exchange rate distortion.
- school60
Average years of primary schooling for population over 25 years of age in 1960.
- life60
Life expectancy at age 0 in 1960.
- popgrowth
Average growth rate of population from 1960 - 1990.
- war
if country participates in at least one external war from 1960 to 1985."no"
else.- revcoup
Average number of revolutions and coups per year from 1960 - 1990.
- rights
Index of political rights ranging from 1 (most restrictive) to 7 (most freedom)
- civil
Index of civil liberties ranging from 1 (most restrictive) to 7 (most freedom)
- out
Index of outward orientation.
- capitalism
Degree of capitalism.
- colony
factor. Shows if the country used to be
colony. If neither of them applies, then"none"
.- english
Fraction of English speakers.
- foreign
Fraction speaking foreign language.
- frac
Probability that two random people are from different ethnolinguistic groups.
- protestant
Fraction of population Protestant.
- catholic
Fraction of population Catholic.
- muslim
Fraction of population Muslim.
- area
Size of country in millions of square kilometers.
- abslat
Distance from the equator.
The dataset of Masanjala and Papageorgiou (2008) is a subset of sub-Sahara African countries from the data used in Sala-I-Martin (1997). See Table A2. in Masanjala and Papageorgiou (2008) for the original sources of the variables. This dataset is also used for replication purposes in Amini and Parmeter (2012).
To replicate the WALS estimates in Amini and Parmeter (2012),
use all variables except for a constant as auxiliary regressors and divide all
regressors by their in-sample maximum before running
wals(..., prescale = FALSE)
(NOTE: It is not recommended to use
prescale = FALSE
as this runs an old version of the WALS estimator,
prescale = FALSE
should only be used for replication purposes).
The resulting coefficients and standard errors have to be divided by the maximum
of the regressors again to get the values presented in Table I of the paper.
Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive. The data was taken from the archive entry of Amini and Parmeter (2012) for replication purposes but they can also be found in the archive entry of Masanjala and Papageorgiou (2008).
Amini SM, Parmeter CF (2012).
“Comparison of model averaging techniques: assessing growth determinants.”
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27(5), 870-876.
Masanjala WH, Papageorgiou C (2008).
“Rough and lonely road to prosperity: a reexamination of the sources of growth in Africa using Bayesian model averaging.”
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23(5), 671-682.
Sala-I-Martin X (1997).
“I Just Ran Two Million Regressions.”
The American Economic Review, 87(2), 178–183.
## Replicate second panel of Table I in Amini & Parmeter (2012)
## NOTE: Authors manually scale data, then rescale the resulting coefs and se.
X <- model.matrix(gdpgrowth ~ ., data = GrowthMP)
scaleVector <- apply(X, MARGIN = 2, max)
Xscaled <- apply(X, MARGIN = 2, function(x) x/max(x))
Xscaled <- Xscaled[,-1]
datscaled <- = GrowthMP$gdpgrowth, Xscaled))
fitMP <- wals(gdpgrowth ~ 1 | ., data = datscaled, prescale = FALSE,
prior = laplace(), eigenSVD = FALSE)
tableMP <- cbind("coef" = coef(fitMP)/scaleVector,
"se" = sqrt(diag(vcov(fitMP)))/scaleVector)
printVars <- c("(Intercept)", "lgdp60", "yrsopen", "mining", "primexp70",
print(round(tableMP[printVars,], 4))