inspect {W3CMarkupValidator}R Documentation

Inspect R objects


Display R objects in a convenient and informative way.


inspect(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'w3c_markup_validate'
inspect(x, details = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'w3c_markup_validate_db'
inspect(x, details = TRUE, full = FALSE, ...)



an R object for the generic; objects inheriting from the respective classes for the methods.


a logical recycled to length two indicating whether to display detailed information on errors and warnings, respectively, or a character vector with elements partially matching ‘error’ or ‘warning’.


a logical indicating whether to provide information about validation results with no errors or warnings.


arguments to be passed to and from methods.


inspect() is a generic function.

The methods for objects inheriting from "w3c_markup_validate" or "w3c_markup_validate_db" (single results of markup validation using w3c_markup_validate, or collections of such results) conveniently summarize the problems found by the validation service as collections of tables with columns giving the line, column and a description of the problem.

[Package W3CMarkupValidator version 0.1-7 Index]