OptimalHbi {VsusP}R Documentation

Variable selection using shrinkage priors :: OptimalHbi


OptimalHbi function will take b.i and H.b.i as input which comes from the result of TwoMeans function. It will return plot from which you can infer about H: the optimal value of the tuning parameter.


OptimalHbi(bi, Hbi)



a vector holding the values of the tuning parameter specified by the user


The estimated number of signals corresponding to each b.i of numeric data type


the optimal value (numeric) of tuning parameter and the associated H value


Makalic, E. & Schmidt, D. F. High-Dimensional Bayesian Regularised Regression with the BayesReg Package arXiv:1611.06649, 2016

Li, H., & Pati, D. Variable selection using shrinkage priors Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 107, 107-119.


n <- 10
p <- 5
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
beta <- exp(rnorm(p))
Y <- as.vector(X %*% beta + rnorm(n, 0, 1))
df <- data.frame(X, Y)
rv.hs <- bayesreg::bayesreg(Y ~ ., df, "gaussian", "horseshoe+", 110, 100)

Beta <- t(rv.hs$beta)
lower <- 0
upper <- 1
l <- 5
S2Mbeta <- Sequential2MeansBeta(Beta, lower, upper, l)

bi <- S2Mbeta$b.i
Hbi <- S2Mbeta$H.b.i
OptimalHbi(bi, Hbi)

[Package VsusP version 1.0.0 Index]