visielse {ViSiElse}R Documentation

Function visielse


visielse plots the graphic from time data and build an object class ViSigrid with, at least, the time data of each punctual action defined in the ViSibook for all subjects.


visielse(X, book = NULL, is.ViSibook = FALSE, doplot = TRUE,
  Xsup = NULL, method = "global", group = NULL, grwithin = NULL,
  informer = "median", tests = TRUE, threshold.test = 0.01,
  quantity = "N", pixel = 20, t_0 = 0, sorted.line = TRUE,
  decrgr2 = FALSE, max_tps = NULL, colvect = NULL, ncolvect = NULL,
  times = FALSE, timeformat = c("hh:mm:ss"), idsubject = 1)



A data.frame or matrix. X stores punctual action timestamps. The actions are defined in book, and X columns names should correspond to the slot "vars" of book. X must also have a column to identify individuals (id column).


A data.frame or a ViSibook or NULL. book stores the process structure.

  • If it is a data.frame it should contains at least the columns vars, label, typeA, showorder, deb, fin . Optionally, other characteristics can be filled : GZDebn, GZFin, Repetition, BZBeforeDeb, BZBeforeFin, BZAfterDeb, BZAfterFin, BZLong , BZLtype .

  • If it is a ViSibook it should correspond to the columns names of X.

  • If it is NULL the process is the ordered list of punctual actions given by the columns names of X.


A logical

  • FALSE if book is a data.frame or NULL.

  • TRUE is book is a ViSibook.


A logical If FALSE, the graphic is not plotted.


A data.frame or matrix storing supplementary time data, all individuals in Xsup must be in X.


In { "global" , "cut" , "join" , "within" }. method specifies the plotting method, see details. If group is NULL, method is set to "global".


A factor with two levels. group indicates the group attributed to the individuals, it has same the length as the number of rows of X.


A level of group. If method is set to within, grwithin specifies the group to consider.


In { "NULL" , "median" , "mean" }. If informer is set to "median" the median and quartiles are computed, if it is set to "mean" the mean and standard deviation are. If informer is NULL no indicators are computed.


A boolean. When informer is not NULL and group is defined, if tests is TRUE, tests are computed to compare groups. If the parameter informer is set to "mean", the function wilcox.test() is used, if informer is set to "median" the function mood.test() is used.


A numeric between 0 and 1. threshold.test is the value of the p-value under which the H0 hypothesis of the test is rejected when tests is TRUE.


In { "N" , "dens" }. quantity allows choosing the quantity represented for punctual action When quantity is set to "N" the number of individuals is considered. Otherwise when it is set to "dens" proportion of individuals is considered instead. If group is defined and method set to "cut" or "within", this proportion is calculated regarding each represented group.


An integer. It is the number of unit of time under which individuals are aggregated in the plot.


either 0, either a value of the slot "vars" in book, t_0 indicates the starting time to plot.


A boolean. When sorted.line is TRUE, it allows long actions to be sorted by starting time.


A boolean. When sorted.line is TRUE and decrgr2 is TRUE, long actions of the second group are plotted in decreasing order by starting times.


A numeric, >0. max_tps is the maximum time used to build the grid in the plot. max_tps is useful when Xsup is given. If max_tps is NULL it is automatically computed.


A matrix containing colors. Colors are automatically computed if colvect is NULL. If group is not NULL colvect should have two rows otherwise one.


A numeric. ncolvect indicates the number of columns of colvect. Its default setting is dim(X)[1]. ncolvect is considered only if colvect is NULL.


A boolean. If times is TRUE, it indicates that X contains data in a time format.


time format. If times is TRUE.


An integer between 1 and dim(X)[2]. idsubject indicates the number of the column of X that contains individuals id numbers.


x can also has the columns : GZDebn, GZFin, Repetition, BZBeforeDeb, BZBeforeFin, BZAfterDeb, BZAfterFin, BZLong , BZLtype


a ViSigrid object.

See Also

Classes ViSigrid and ViSibook. The method plot for ViSigrid object plot-ViSigrid-method for examples.


coffee <- c(  58, 11,  5, 53, 53, 59, 24, 59, 46, 20)
fill_coffee <- c(162,  57,103,154,165,132,  74, 107, 104,  93)
fill_water <- c(  66,  92,54, 78, 74, 114, 91, 129, 71, 56)
push_B <- c( 74, 99, 62, 84, 83, 120, 95, 129, 80, 63 )
drink <- c( 472, 176, 475, 283, 265, 207, 234, 184, 490, 520)
X <- data.frame(id = seq(1,10), coffee, fill_coffee,fill_water,push_B,drink)
visi1 <- visielse(X)

#### Changing the pixel of time

visi1 <- visielse(X, pixel = 10)
# Plot the mean and standart deviation

visi1 <- visielse(X,informer = "mean")

#### Do not plot indicators
visi1 <- visielse(X,informer = NULL)

# Extraction of the visibook from the data

visi1 <- visielse(X,informer = NULL, doplot = FALSE)
book <- visi1@book

#### Changing labels

book[,2]<- c("Taking the coffee",
             "Fill the machine with coffee",
             "Fill the tank with water",
             "Push the Button",
             "Drink the coffee")
visi1 <- visielse(X, book=book, is.ViSibook = TRUE,informer = NULL)

#### Change the order of Actions in the process

book[,4]<- c(5,1,2,4,3)
visi1 <- visielse(X, book=book, is.ViSibook = TRUE)

#### Adding a long Actions

visi1 <- visielse( X )
book <- ConvertFromViSibook( visi1@book ) # Convert book into data.frame
add_delay <- c( "delay_coffee_push","Preparation","l","6","coffee","push_B")
book[6,] <- add_delay

### ViSiElse representation of long actions

visi2 <- visielse( X=X , book=book,informer=NULL)

## Green & Black zones

book$GZDeb <- c(NA,60,NA,NA,NA,NA)
book$GZFin <- c(NA,120,NA,NA,NA,NA)
book$BZBeforeDeb <- c(NA,0,NA,NA,NA,NA)
book$BZBeforeFin <- c(NA,30,NA,NA,NA,NA)
book$BZAfterDeb <- c(NA,180,NA,NA,NA,NA)
book$BZAfterFin <- c(NA,Inf,NA,NA,NA,NA)
book$BZLong <- c(rep(NA,5),150)
book$BZLtype <- c(rep(NA,5),"time")
visi1 <- visielse( X, book=book , informer = NULL)

book$BZLtype <- c(rep(NA,5),"span")
visi1 <- visielse( X, book=book ,informer = NULL)

## Group

### Method : Cut
group <- c( "group2","group1","group2","group1","group1",
visi1 <- visielse( X,group=group, book=book ,informer = NULL, method = "cut")

visi1 <- visielse( X,group=group, book=book ,informer = NULL, method = "join")

visi1 <- visielse( X,group=group, book=book ,informer = NULL, method = "within",grwithin = "group1")

[Package ViSiElse version 1.2.2 Index]