Tools for Preprocessing Visual World Data

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Documentation for package ‘VWPre’ version 1.2.4

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.check_for_PupilPre Internal helper function, not intended to be called externally.
align_msg Aligns samples to a specific message.
bin_prop Bins the sample data and calculates proportion looks by interest area
check_all_msgs Output all messages with timestamps
check_eye_recording Check which eyes were recorded during the experiment
check_ia Check the interest area IDs and labels
check_msg_time Check the time value(s) at a specific message
check_samples_per_bin Check the number of samples in each bin
check_samplingrate Determine the sampling rate present in the data
check_time_series Check the new time series
create_binomial Creates a success/failure column for each IA based on counts.
create_time_series Create a time series column
custom_ia Map gaze data to newly defined interest areas
ds_options Determine downsampling options based on current sampling rate
fasttrack Fast-track basic preprocessing
make_pelogit_fnc Create function for back-transforming empirical logits to proportions
mark_trackloss Mark trackloss by blink and/or screen size
plot_avg Plots average looks to interest areas.
plot_avg_cdiff Plots average difference between two conditions.
plot_avg_contour Plots average contour surface of looks to a given interest area.
plot_avg_diff Plots average difference between looks to two interest areas.
plot_indiv_app Plots diagnostic average plots of subjects/items.
plot_transformation_app Plots diagnostic plots of the empirical logit transformation.
plot_var_app Plots diagnostic plots of subject/item variance.
prep_data Check the classes of specific columns and re-assigns as necessary.
recode_ia Recode interest area IDs and/or interest area labels
relabel_na Relabel samples containing 'NA' as outside any interest area
rename_columns Rename default column names for interest areas.
rm_extra_DVcols Checks for and removes unnecessary DV output columns.
rm_trackloss_events Removes events with excessive trackloss
select_recorded_eye Select the eye used during recording
transform_to_elogit Transforms proportion looks to empirical logits.
VWdat This is a sample eye-tracking dataset included in the package
VWPre VWPre: Tools for Preprocessing Visual World Data.