summaryS4VGAMextra-methods {VGAMextra} | R Documentation |
Summary methods for Vector Generalized Time Series Models
S4 summary methods for models fitted with time series family functions from VGAMextra.
These function are all
for objects of class
with signature
Implementation of vector generalized time series (TS) family functions
(vgltsmff) in VGAMextra is entirely based on the structure
of family functions of class
from VGAM. More precisely, vgltsmff family functions
can be created by calls of the form new("vgltsmff",...)
following the structure vglmff-class
See vglmff-class
additional details.
In this line, specific S4 dispatching methods are currently implemented at VGAM to show (or plot) essential statistical information about the model fitted.
For the generic summary
, specifically, S4 methods for
objects with signature vgtsff
are incorporated
in VGAMextra to display supplementary analyses commonly
required by TS practicioners. That is, additional information
to the default output shown by
for family functions
at VGAM, as follows:
a) The standard errors, which are computed from the asymptotic distribution of the MLE estimates, unlike the asymptotic approach (z-value) from VGAM.
b) Checks on stationarity and/or invertibility for autoregressive (AR), moving average (MA), and autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models via the polynomial roots.
c) The AIC, AICC and BIC criteria for model identification.
Notice that, for intercept-only models in the 'vglm' context,
the asypmtotic distribution of the estimates, either conditional
or unconditional, will coincide with the theoretical distributions
as long as increases. In particular, for the AR(
process, the MLEs and the Yule-Walker estimates will concur
Where covariates or parameter constraints are involved,
the standard errors for the estimates from time series
family functions at VGAMextra are calculated from the
predicted values allocated in the slot @predictors
when summary(...)
is called.
In this case, the conditional mean,
, is considered as the estimate, where:
for .
An object of class
printed by specific methods defined
at VGAMextra for objects with signature
As for the intercept, notice that this is called drift-term
at ARXff
whilst it is refered as intercept
in MAXff
This parameter is also estimated by TS family
functions in VGAMextra. In the MA model, particularly,
it is the mean of the process.
The drift-term,
denoted as ,
is linearly linked to the mean,
of the AR and ARMA processes in turn, as follows:
Here, are the AR coefficients.
Hence, the standard error for the drift-term is
accordingly computed based on the asymptotic distribution
of the mean. More precisely, the relation
is considered,
where is the variance
of the random errors.
Finally, the AIC, AICC and BIC criteria are computed of the well-known expressions
with denoting the number of parameters.
V. Miranda and T.W. Yee.
Woodward, H., Gray, H. and Elliot A. (2012) Applied Time Series Analysis. Taylor & Francis/CRC, Florida, USA.
See Also
# Fitting a simple Moving Average model to compare with arima().
nn <- 300
theta <- c(0.2, -0.37) # Autoregressive coefficients
phi <- c(0.25) # MA coefficients.
mu <- c(1.5, 0.85) # Mean (not drift) of the MA process.
x2 <- runif(nn)
tsd1 <- mu[1]/(1 - sum(theta)) +
arima.sim(n = nn,
model = list(order = c(2, 0, 0),
ar = theta),
sd = exp(1.5))
tsd2 <- mu[2]/(1 - sum(theta)) +
arima.sim(n = nn,
model = list(order = c(2, 0, 1),
ar = theta, ma = phi),
sd = exp(1 + 2 * x2))
tsdata <- data.frame(TS1 = tsd1, TS2 = tsd2, x2 = x2)
### An ARIMA(2, 0, 0) model, that is an AR(2) model ###
#fit1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1,
# ARIMAXff(order = c(2, 0, 0), var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact"),
# data = tsdata, crit = "log", trace = TRUE)
fit1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1,
ARXff(order = 2, var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact"),
data = tsdata, crit = "log", trace = TRUE)
m.coe <- Coef(fit1)
## Using arima to compare to summary(vgtsff)
arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 0, 0)) ## Similar SE's than VGAMextra.
m.coe[1] / (1 - sum(m.coe[-(1:2)])) # THIS IS SIMILAR TO THE INTERCEPT
# ESTIMATED BY arima(): 1.1898
### An ARIMA(2, 0, 1) models, that is an ARMA(2, 1) ###
### The errors standard deviation is a function of 'x2' ###
### NOTICE: ARIMA and ARMA use the "identitylink" for coefficients ###
#fit2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2,
# ARMAXff(order = c(2, 1), var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact",
# zero = NULL),
# # constraints = list('x2' = rbind(0, 1, 0, 0, 0)),
# data = tsdata, crit = "loglikelihood", trace = TRUE)
#m.coe <- coef(fit2)
#coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE)
## Compare summary(vglm) to arima().
#arima(tsdata$TS2, order = c(2, 0, 1))