invweibull2mr {VGAMextra}R Documentation

2- parameter Inverse Weibull Distribution


Maximum likelihood estimation of the 2-parameter Inverse Weibull distribution. No observations should be censored.


  invweibull2mr(lscale  = loglink, 
                lshape  = logofflink(offset = -2),
                iscale  = NULL, 
                ishape  = NULL, 
                imethod = 2, 
                lss     = TRUE, 
                gscale  = exp(-4:4), 
                gshape  = exp(-4:4),
                probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
                zero    = "shape")


lscale, lshape

Parameter link functions applied to the (positive) shape parameter (called aa below) and (positive) scale parameter (called bb below). Given that the shape parameter must be greater than 22, lshape = logofflink(offset = -2) by default. See Links for more choices.

iscale, ishape

Optional initial values for the shape and scale parameters.

gscale, gshape

See CommonVGAMffArguments.

lss, probs.y

Details at CommonVGAMffArguments.


Initializing method internally implemented. Currently only the values 1 and 2 are allowed and NO observations should be censored.


Numeric or character vector. The position(s) of the name(s) of the parameters/linear predictors to be modeled as intercept–only. Default is "shape". Details at CommonVGAMffArguments


The Weibull distribution and the Inverse Weibull distributions are related as follows:

Let XX be a Weibull random variable with paramaters scale =bb and shape =aa. Then, the random variable Y=1/XY = 1/X has the Inverse Weibull density with parameters scale = 1/b1/b and shape = aa.

The Inverse weibull density for a response YY is given by

f(y;a,b)=a(ba)ya1exp[(y/b)(a)]f(y;a,b) = a (b^a) y^{-a-1} \exp[-(y/b)^(-a)]

for a>0a > 0, b>0b > 0, y>0y > 0. The mean, that is returned as the fitted values, (if a>1a > 1) and the variance (if a>2a > 2) are

E[Y]=b Γ(11/a);   Var[Y]=b2 [Γ(12/a)(Γ(11/a))2].E[Y] = b \ \Gamma(1 - 1/a); \ \ \ Var[Y] = b^{2} \ [\Gamma(1 - 2/a) - (\Gamma(1 - 1/a))^2].

Fisher scoring is used to estimate both parameters. Although the expected information matrices used are valid in all regions of the parameter space, the regularity conditions for maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) are satisfied only if a>2a>2 (according to Kleiber and Kotz (2003)). If this is violated then a warning message is issued. To enforce a>2a > 2, it has been set by default that lshape = logofflink(offset = 2).

As a result of the math relation between the Weibull and the Inverse Weibull distributions, regularity conditions for inference for the latter, are the following: if a1a \le 1 then the MLE's are not consisten, if 1<a<21 < a < 2 then MLEs exist but are not assymptotically normal, if a=2a = 2, the MLE's exist and are normal and asymptotically efficient but the convergence rate is slower compared when a>2a > 2. If a>2a > 2, then the MLE's have classical asymptotic properties.


An object of class "vglmff" (see vglmff-class). The object is used to model special models such as vglm and vgam.


Note that zero can be a numeric or a character vector specifying the position of the names (partially or not) of the linear predictor modeled as intercept only. In this family function these names are

c("scale", "shape").

Numeric values can be entered as usual. See CommonVGAMffArguments for further details. For simplicity, the second choice is recommended.

If the shape parameter is less than two (i.e. less than exp(0.69315)), then misleading inference may result ! (see above the regularity condition for the 'variance'), e.g., in the summary and vcov of the object.

However, the larger the shape parameter is (for instance, greater than exp(2.5), plus reasonable scale), the more unstable the algorithm may become. The reason is that inverse weibull densities under such conditions are highly peaked and left skewed. Thus, density values are too close to zero (or values represented as zero in computer arithmetic).


By default, the shape paramater is modeled as intercept only.

Successful convergence depends on having reasonably good initial values. If the initial values chosen by this function are not good, make use the two initial value arguments, iscale and ishape.

This VGAM family function currently handles multiple responses however, it does not handle censored data. This feature will be considered in a later version of the package.

The Inverse Weibull distribution, which is that of Y=1/XY = 1/X where XX has the Weibull density, is known as the log-Gompertz distribution.


Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee.


Harper, W. V., Eschenbach, T. G. and James, T. R. (2011) Concerns about Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution: Case Study of Statistical Software. The American Statistician, 65(1), 44-54.

Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003) Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences, Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.

Johnson, N. L. and Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N. (1994) Continuous Univariate Distributions, 2nd edition, Volume 1, New York: Wiley.

See Also

invweibullDist, weibullR.


# Here, covariate 'x2' affects the scale parameter.
# See how data is generated.

wdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn <- 1000))  # Complete data
wdata <- transform(wdata,
            y1 = rinvweibull(nn, scale = exp(2.5 - (0.5) * x2), 
                             shape = exp(1.5) ),
            y2 = rinvweibull(nn, scale = exp(1.5 + x2), 
                             shape = exp(1.25) ))
# Fitting the Inverse Weibull distribution accordingly.
# Note that multiple responses are handled. 

fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x2, 
             invweibull2mr(zero = "shape",
                           # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUE. Be carefull here when
                           # entered initial value. Sensitive distribution
                             ishape = exp(1.2),
                          lss = TRUE),                           
             data = wdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log")

coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE)

###   A second option (producing same results!!) might be to use the 
###   constraints argument in the 'vglm()' call. Note that 'x2' affects
###   the scale parameter only.

fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, 
             invweibull2mr(zero = NULL), 
             data = wdata, trace = TRUE,
             constraints = list(x2 = rbind(1, 0)))
coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE)

[Package VGAMextra version 0.0-6 Index]