rrvglm {VGAM}R Documentation

Fitting Reduced-Rank Vector Generalized Linear Models (RR-VGLMs) and Doubly Constrained RR-VGLMs (DRR-VGLMs)


A reduced-rank vector generalized linear model (RR-VGLM) is fitted. RR-VGLMs are VGLMs but some of the constraint matrices are estimated. Doubly constrained RR-VGLMs (DRR-VGLMs) can also be fitted, and these provide structure for the two other outer product matrices.


rrvglm(formula, family = stop("'family' is unassigned"),
       data = list(), weights = NULL, subset = NULL,
       na.action = na.fail, etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL,
       coefstart = NULL, control = rrvglm.control(...),
       offset = NULL, method = "rrvglm.fit", model = FALSE,
       x.arg = TRUE, y.arg = TRUE, contrasts = NULL,
       constraints = NULL, extra = NULL, qr.arg = FALSE,
       smart = TRUE, ...)


formula, family

See vglm.

weights, data

See vglm.

subset, na.action

See vglm.

etastart, mustart, coefstart

See vglm.


a list of parameters for controlling the fitting process. See rrvglm.control for details.

offset, model, contrasts

See vglm.


the method to be used in fitting the model. The default (and presently only) method rrvglm.fit uses iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS).

x.arg, y.arg

logical values indicating whether the model matrix and response vector/matrix used in the fitting process should be assigned in the x and y slots. Note the model matrix is the LM model matrix; to get the VGLM model matrix type model.matrix(vglmfit) where vglmfit is a vglm object.


See vglm.

extra, smart, qr.arg

See vglm.


further arguments passed into rrvglm.control.


In this documentation, MM is the number of linear predictors. For RR-VGLMs, the central formula is given by

η=B1Tx1+Aν\eta = B_1^T x_1 + A \nu

where x1x_1 is a vector (usually just a 1 for an intercept), x2x_2 is another vector of explanatory variables, and ν=CTx2\nu = C^T x_2 is an RR-vector of latent variables. Here, η\eta is a vector of linear predictors, e.g., the mmth element is ηm=log(E[Ym])\eta_m = \log(E[Y_m]) for the mmth Poisson response. The dimension of η\eta is MM by definition. The matrices B1B_1, AA and CC are estimated from the data, i.e., contain the regression coefficients. For ecologists, the central formula represents a constrained linear ordination (CLO) since it is linear in the latent variables. It means that the response is a monotonically increasing or decreasing function of the latent variables.

For identifiability it is common to enforce corner constraints on A: by default, for RR-VGLMs, the top RR by RR submatrix is fixed to be the order-RR identity matrix and the remainder of A is estimated. And by default, for DRR-VGLMs, there is also an order-RR identity matrix embedded in A because the RRR must be separable (this is so that any existing structure in A is preserved).

The underlying algorithm of RR-VGLMs is iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) with an optimizing algorithm applied within each IRLS iteration (e.g., alternating algorithm).

In theory, any VGAM family function that works for vglm and vgam should work for rrvglm too. The function that actually does the work is rrvglm.fit; it is essentially vglm.fit with some extra code.


For RR-VGLMs, an object of class "rrvglm", which has the the same slots as a "vglm" object. The only difference is that the some of the constraint matrices are estimates rather than known. But VGAM stores the models the same internally. The slots of "vglm" objects are described in vglm-class.

For DRR-VGLMs, an object of class "drrvglm".


The arguments of rrvglm are in general the same as those of vglm but with some extras in rrvglm.control.

The smart prediction (smartpred) library is packed with the VGAM library.

In an example below, a rank-1 stereotype (reduced-rank multinomial logit) model of Anderson (1984) is fitted to some car data. The reduced-rank regression is performed, adjusting for two covariates. Setting a trivial constraint matrix (diag(M)) for the latent variable variables in x2x_2 avoids a warning message when it is overwritten by a (common) estimated constraint matrix. It shows that German cars tend to be more expensive than American cars, given a car of fixed weight and width.

If fit <- rrvglm(..., data = mydata) then summary(fit) requires corner constraints and no missing values in mydata. Sometimes the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the parameters is not positive-definite; if this occurs, try refitting the model with a different value for Index.corner.

For constrained quadratic ordination (CQO) see cqo for more details about QRR-VGLMs.

With multiple binary responses, one must use binomialff(multiple.responses = TRUE) to indicate that the response is a matrix with one response per column. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a single binary response variable.

To fit DRR-VGLMs see the arguments H.A.thy and H.C in rrvglm.control. DRR-VGLMs provide structure to the A and C matrices via constraint matrices. So instead of them being general unstructured matrices, one can make specified elements to be identically equal to 0, for example. This gives greater control over what is modelled as a latent variable, e.g., in a health study, if one subset of the covariates are physical variables and the remainder are psychological variables then a rank-2 model might have each latent variable a linear combination of each of the types of variables separately.

Incidentally before I forget, since Corner = TRUE, then the differences between the @H.A.thy and @H.A.alt slots are due to Index.corner, which specifies which rows of A are not estimated. However, in the alternating algorithm, it is more efficient to estimate the entire A, bar (effectively) rows str0, and then normalize it. In contrast, optimizing over the subset of A to be estimated is slow.

In the @misc slot are logical components is.drrvglm and is.rrvglm. Only one is TRUE. If is.rrvglm then (full) corner constraints are used. If is.drrvglm then restricted corner constraints (RCCs) are used and the reduced rank regression (RRR) must be separable. The case is.rrvglm means that H.A.thy is a vector("list", Rank) with H.A.thy[[r]] <- diag(M) assigned to all r=1,,Rr=1,\ldots,R. Because DRR-VGLMs are implemented only for separable problems, this means that all columns of H.A.thy[[s]] are orthogonal to all columns from H.A.try[[t]], for all ss and tt. DRR-VGLMs are proposed in Yee et al. (2024) in the context of GAITD regression for heaped and seeped survey data.


Thomas W. Yee


Yee, T. W. and Hastie, T. J. (2003). Reduced-rank vector generalized linear models. Statistical Modelling, 3, 15–41.

Yee, T. W. (2004). A new technique for maximum-likelihood canonical Gaussian ordination. Ecological Monographs, 74, 685–701.

Anderson, J. A. (1984). Regression and ordered categorical variables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Methodological, 46, 1–30.

Yee, T. W. (2014). Reduced-rank vector generalized linear models with two linear predictors. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 71, 889–902.

Yee, T. W., Frigau, L. and Ma, C. (2024). Heaping and seeping, GAITD regression and doubly constrained reduced rank vector generalized linear models, in smoking studies. In preparation.

See Also

rrvglm.control, summary.drrvglm, lvplot.rrvglm (same as biplot.rrvglm), rrvglm-class, grc, cqo, vglmff-class, vglm, vglm-class, smartpred, rrvglm.fit. Special family functions include negbinomial zipoisson and zinegbinomial. (see Yee (2014) and what was formerly in COZIGAM). Methods functions include Coef.rrvglm, calibrate.rrvglm, etc. Data include crashi.


## Not run: 
# Example 1: RR NB with Var(Y) = mu + delta1 * mu^delta2
nn <- 1000       # Number of observations
delta1 <- 3.0    # Specify this
delta2 <- 1.5    # Specify this; should be greater than 1
a21 <- 2 - delta2
mydata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn), x3 = runif(nn))
mydata <- transform(mydata, mu = exp(2 + 3 * x2 + 0 * x3))
mydata <- transform(mydata,
    y2 = rnbinom(nn, mu = mu, size = (1/delta1)*mu^a21))
plot(y2 ~ x2, mydata, pch = "+", col = 'blue', las = 1,
  main = paste0("Var(Y) = mu + ", delta1, " * mu^", delta2))
rrnb2 <- rrvglm(y2 ~ x2 + x3, negbinomial(zero = NULL),
                data = mydata, trace = TRUE)

a21.hat <- (Coef(rrnb2)@A)["loglink(size)", 1]
beta11.hat <- Coef(rrnb2)@B1["(Intercept)", "loglink(mu)"]
beta21.hat <- Coef(rrnb2)@B1["(Intercept)", "loglink(size)"]
(delta1.hat <- exp(a21.hat * beta11.hat - beta21.hat))
(delta2.hat <- 2 - a21.hat)
# delta1.hat:
# exp(a21.hat * predict(rrnb2)[1,1] - predict(rrnb2)[1,2])

# Obtain a 95 percent CI for delta2:
se.a21.hat <- sqrt(vcov(rrnb2)["I(latvar.mat)", "I(latvar.mat)"])
ci.a21 <- a21.hat +  c(-1, 1) * 1.96 * se.a21.hat
(ci.delta2 <- 2 - rev(ci.a21))  # The 95 percent CI

Confint.rrnb(rrnb2)  # Quick way to get it

# Plot the abundances and fitted values vs the latent variable
plot(y2 ~ latvar(rrnb2), data = mydata, col = "blue",
     xlab = "Latent variable", las = 1)
ooo <- order(latvar(rrnb2))
lines(fitted(rrnb2)[ooo] ~ latvar(rrnb2)[ooo], col = "red")

# Example 2: stereotype model (RR multinomial logit model)
scar <- subset(car.all,
    is.element(Country, c("Germany", "USA", "Japan", "Korea")))
fcols <- c(13,14,18:20,22:26,29:31,33,34,36)  # These are factors
scar[, -fcols] <- scale(scar[, -fcols])  # Stdze all numerical vars
ones <- CM.ones(3)  # matrix(1, 3, 1)
clist <- list("(Intercept)" = diag(3), Width = ones, Weight = ones,
              Disp. = diag(3), Tank = diag(3), Price = diag(3),
              Frt.Leg.Room = diag(3))
fit <- rrvglm(Country ~ Width + Weight + Disp. + Tank +
              Price + Frt.Leg.Room,
              multinomial, data = scar, Rank = 2, trace = TRUE,
              constraints = clist, noRRR = ~ 1 + Width + Weight,
#             Uncor = TRUE, Corner = FALSE,  # orig.
              Index.corner = c(1, 3),  # Less correlation
              Bestof = 3)
fit@misc$deviance  # A history of the fits
biplot(fit, chull = TRUE, scores = TRUE, clty = 2, Ccex = 2,
       ccol = "blue", scol = "orange", Ccol = "darkgreen",
       Clwd = 2, main = "1=Germany, 2=Japan, 3=Korea, 4=USA")

## End(Not run)

[Package VGAM version 1.1-11 Index]