model.framevlm {VGAM}R Documentation

Construct the Model Frame of a VLM Object


This function returns a data.frame with the variables. It is applied to an object which inherits from class "vlm" (e.g., a fitted model of class "vglm").


model.framevlm(object, setupsmart = TRUE, wrapupsmart = TRUE, ...)



a model object from the VGAM R package that inherits from a vector linear model (VLM), e.g., a model of class "vglm".


further arguments such as data, na.action, subset. See model.frame for more information on these.

setupsmart, wrapupsmart

Logical. Arguments to determine whether to use smart prediction.


Since object is an object which inherits from class "vlm" (e.g., a fitted model of class "vglm"), the method will either returned the saved model frame used when fitting the model (if any, selected by argument model = TRUE) or pass the call used when fitting on to the default method.

This code implements smart prediction (see smartpred).


A data.frame containing the variables used in the object plus those specified in ....


Chambers, J. M. (1992). Data for models. Chapter 3 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

See Also

model.frame, model.matrixvlm, predictvglm, smartpred.


# Illustrates smart prediction
pneumo <- transform(pneumo, let = log(exposure.time))
fit <- vglm(cbind(normal,mild, severe) ~ poly(c(scale(let)), 2),
            multinomial, pneumo, trace = TRUE, x = FALSE)

check1 <- head(model.frame(fit))
check2 <- model.frame(fit, data = head(pneumo))
all.equal(unlist(check1), unlist(check2))  # Should be TRUE

q0 <- head(predict(fit))
q1 <- head(predict(fit, newdata = pneumo))
q2 <- predict(fit, newdata = head(pneumo))
all.equal(q0, q1)  # Should be TRUE
all.equal(q1, q2)  # Should be TRUE

[Package VGAM version 1.1-11 Index]