chisq {VGAM}R Documentation

Chi-squared and Chi Distributions


Maximum likelihood estimation of the degrees of freedom for a chi-squared distribution. Also fits the chi distribution.


chisq(link = "loglink", zero = NULL, squared = TRUE)


link, zero

See CommonVGAMffArguments for information.


Logical. Set FALSE for the chi distribution.


The degrees of freedom is treated as a real parameter to be estimated and not as an integer. Being positive, a log link is used by default. Fisher scoring is used.

If a random variable has a chi-squared distribution then the square root of the random variable has a chi distribution. For both distributions, the fitted value is the mean.


An object of class "vglmff" (see vglmff-class). The object is used by modelling functions such as vglm, and vgam.


Multiple responses are permitted. There may be convergence problems if the degrees of freedom is very large or close to zero.


T. W. Yee


Forbes, C., Evans, M., Hastings, N. and Peacock, B. (2011). Statistical Distributions, Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Fourth edition.

See Also

Chisquare. uninormal.


cdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn <- 1000))
cdata <- transform(cdata, y1 = rchisq(nn, df = exp(1 - 1 * x2)),
                          y2 = rchisq(nn, df = exp(2 - 2 * x2)))
fit <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x2, chisq, data = cdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)

[Package VGAM version 1.1-11 Index]