Vegetated Filter Strip and Erosion Model

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Documentation for package ‘VFS’ version 1.0.2

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VFS-package Vegetated Filter Strip and Erosion Model
APLE Agricultural Phosphorus Loss Estimator
bufferdat Parameters for vegetated buffers
MUSLE Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation
MUSLE.K Estimate soil erodibility factor K.
MUSLE.LS Estimate landscape factor LS
peak Rational method to calculate peak discharge
print.APLE Printing the result of APLE
print.VFS Printing the result of VFS
rainfall Generate simulated daily rainfall
read.dly Read GHCN DLY daily weather file into a data frame
soildat Soil texture class properties
summary.APLE Summarize the result of APLE
summary.VFS Summarize the result of VFS
temperature Generate simulated mean temperature
USC00368449.dly GHCN Data for State College, PA, 1980-2009
VFS Vegetated filter strip and erosion model
VFSAPLE Link the VFS and APLE models.
weather Ten years of daily weather data
wth.param Calculate weather parameters from daily data for use in climate simulations