plot.VFP {VFP} | R Documentation |
Plot VFP-Ojbects.
Function takes an object of class 'VFP' and plots a fitted variance-function either on the original variance-scale ('type="vc"') or on the CV-scale ("cv"). The corresponding 100x(1-alpha)% confidencen interval around the variance-function can be plotted either as lines ('ci.type="lines') or as per default as CI-band.
## S3 method for class 'VFP'
x, = NULL,
type = c("vc", "sd", "cv"),
add = FALSE,
alpha = 0.05,
ci.col = "gray90",
ci.type = c("band", "lines", "none"),
dispersion = NULL,
browse = FALSE,
BG = "white",
Title = list(),
Xlabel = list(),
Ylabel = list(),
Line = list(),
Points = list(),
Grid = list(),
Crit = list(),
ylim = NULL,
xlim = NULL,
Prediction = NULL,
Pred.CI = NULL,
Model = TRUE,
CI.method = c("chisq", "t", "normal"),
use.log = FALSE,
Npred = 200,
x |
(VFP) object as returned by function 'fit.vfp' | |
(integer) specifying which model to plot, must be one of the fitted models |
type |
(character) either "vc" to generate a plot on the original variance-scale or "cv" to plot it on the coefficient of variation scale, i.e. CV = 100*sqrt(VC)/Mean or "log" to plot after a variance stabilizing transformation. The latter will not work if 'Prediction' is specified!. |
add |
(logical) TRUE = the current (im)precision profile is added to an existing plot, FALSE = a new plot will be generated |
alpha |
(numeric) value specifying the 100x(1-alpha)% confidencen interval to be plotted around the function |
ci.col |
(character) string specifying a color used for the CI-region |
ci.type |
(character) either "band" to plto the CI as polygon, or "lines" to plot the CI-bounds as two separate line using color 'ci.col' |
dispersion |
(numeric) NULL = the dispersion parameter will be estimated, numeric value = the dispersion parameter will be used as specified |
browse |
(logical) TRUE = if multiple models were fitted, all will be displayed one after the other in increasing order of their respective AIC, mouse-klick on the plot triggers switch to the next model |
BG |
(character) string specifying a background color |
Title |
(list) passed to function |
Xlabel |
(list) passed to function |
Ylabel |
(list) passed to function |
Line |
(list) passed to function |
Points |
(list) passed to function |
Grid |
(list) passed to function |
Crit |
(list) passed to function |
ylim |
(numeric) vector of length two specifying plot-limits in Y-direction, if NULL these will be automatically determined |
xlim |
(numeric) vector of length two specifying plot-limits in X-direction, if NULL these will be automatically determined |
Prediction |
(list) with elements 'y' specifying values on VC-, SD- or CV-scale depending on
'type' for which predictions on the X-axis are requested or 'x' specifying mean-values
on the X-axis for which predictions on the Y-axis are requested; furthermore,
all graphical parameters accepted by function |
Pred.CI |
(list) with all parameters accepted by function |
Model |
(logical) TRUE = plots the fitted model as subtitle below the main title, FALSE = omits this |
CI.method |
(character) one of "t", "normal", "chisq" specifying which CI-method to use for deriving confidence intervals |
use.log |
(logical) TRUE = X- and Y-axis will be log-transformed |
Npred |
(integer) specifying the number of data points used to plot the fitted model, the larger the smoother (maybe slower if too large) |
... |
additional parameters passed forward |
(matrix) of predictions at user-specified X- or Y-coordinates is invisibly return in case Prediction is not NULL
Andre Schuetzemeister
See Also
, predict.VFP
, predictMean
lst <- anovaVCA(y~(device+lot)/day/run, VCAdata1, by="sample")
mat <- getMat.VCA(lst) # automatically selects "total"
res <- fit.vfp(, Data=mat)
plot(res, type="cv")
plot(res, type="cv", ci.type="lines", ci.col="red",
Grid=list(col="wheat"), Points=list(pch=2, lwd=2, col="black"))
# same for repeatability
mat.err <- getMat.VCA(lst, "error")
res.err <- fit.vfp(1:10, Data=mat.err)
# add predictions to plot, e.g. functional sensitivity
plot(res.err, type="cv", xlim=c(0, 4), Prediction=10)
# variability at X-values are of interest
plot(res.err, type="cv", xlim=c(0, 4), Prediction=list(x=0.5))
# one can specify X- and Y-values in the "Prediction" list-argument
plot(res.err, type="cv", xlim=c(0, 4),
Prediction=list(x=c(0.25, 0.5), y=15))
# another example using CA19_9 data from CLSI EP05-A3
# fit reproducibility model to data
fits.CA19_9 <- anovaVCA(result~site/day, CA19_9, by="sample")
# fit within-laboratory-model treating site as fixed effect
fits.ip.CA19_9 <- anovaMM(result~site/(day), CA19_9, by="sample")
# the variability "between-site" is not part of "total"
# extract repeatability
rep.CA19_9 <- getMat.VCA(fits.CA19_9, "error")
# extract reproducibility
repro.CA19_9 <- getMat.VCA(fits.CA19_9, "total")
# extract intermediate-precision (within-lab)
ip.CA19_9 <- getMat.VCA(fits.ip.CA19_9, "total")
# fit model (a+bX)^C (model 8) to all three matrices
mod8.repro <- fit.vfp(repro.CA19_9, 8)
mod8.ip <- fit.vfp(ip.CA19_9, 8)
mod8.rep <- fit.vfp(rep.CA19_9, 8)
# plot reproducibility precision profile first
# leave enough space in right margin for a legend
plot(mod8.repro, mar=c(5.1, 7, 4.1, 15),
type="cv", ci.type="none", Model=FALSE,
Line=list(col="blue", lwd=3),
Points=list(pch=15, col="blue", cex=1.5),
xlim=c(10, 450), ylim=c(0,10),
Xlabel=list(text="CA19-9, kU/L (LogScale) - 3 Patient Pools, 3 QC Materials",
cex=1.5), Title=NULL,
Ylabel=list(text="% CV", cex=1.5),
Grid=NULL, Crit=NULL, log="x")
# add intermediate precision profile
plot (mod8.ip, type="cv", add=TRUE, ci.type="none",
Points=list(pch=16, col="deepskyblue", cex=1.5),
Line=list(col="deepskyblue", lwd=3), log="x")
# add repeatability precision profile
plot(mod8.rep, type="cv", add=TRUE, ci.type="none",
Points=list(pch=17, col="darkorchid3", cex=1.5),
Line=list(col="darkorchid3", lwd=3), log="x")
# add legend to right margin
legend.rm( x="center", pch=15:17, col=c("blue", "deepskyblue", "darkorchid3"),
cex=1.5, legend=c("Reproducibility", "Within-Lab Precision", "Repeatability"),
# repeatability precision profile with some beautifications
plot(mod8.rep, BG="darkgray",
Points=list(pch=17, cex=1.5, col="blue"), Line=list(col="blue"),
Grid=list(x=seq(0, 400, 50), y=seq(0, 100, 10), col="white"),
Xlabel=list(cex=1.5, text="CA19-9 [U/mL]", col="blue"),
Ylabel=list(cex=1.5, text="Repeatability on Variance-Scale", col="blue"),
Crit=list(text.col="white", text.font=2, cex=1.25))