vamForCollection {VAM}R Documentation

VAM method for multiple gene sets


Executes the Variance-adjusted Mahalanobis (VAM) method (vam) on multiple gene sets, i.e., a gene set collection.


    vamForCollection(gene.expr, gene.set.collection, tech.var.prop, 
        gene.weights, center=FALSE, gamma=TRUE)



An n x p matrix of gene expression values for n cells and p genes.


List of m gene sets for which scores are computed. Each element in the list corresponds to a gene set and the list element is a vector of indices for the genes in the set. The index value is defined relative to the order of genes in the gene.expr matrix. Gene set names should be specified as list names.


See description in vam


See description in vam. If specified as a single vector of weights, weights must be specified for all p genes and the same weights are used for all gene sets. To use different weights for each set, specify as a list of the same length as the gene.set.collection list. In this case, each list element should be a vector of gene weights of the same length as the size of the corresponding gene set.


See description in vam


See description in vam


A list containing two elements:

See Also



    # Simulate Poisson expression data for 10 genes and 10 cells
    gene.expr=matrix(rpois(100, lambda=2), nrow=10)
    # Simulate technical variance proportions
    # Define a collection with two disjoint sets that span the 10 genes
    collection=list(set1=1:5, set2=6:10)    
    # Execute VAM on both sets using default values for center and gamma
    vamForCollection(gene.expr=gene.expr, gene.set.collection=collection,
    # Create weights that prioritize the first 2 genes for the first set 
    # and the last 2 genes for the second set
    gene.weights = list(c(2,2,1,1,1),c(1,1,1,2,2))
    # Execute VAM using the weights
    vamForCollection(gene.expr=gene.expr, gene.set.collection=collection,
        tech.var.prop=tech.var.prop, gene.weights=gene.weights)

[Package VAM version 1.1.0 Index]