Variational Approximation for Joint Survival and Marker Models

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Documentation for package ‘VAJointSurv’ version 0.1.0

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bs_term Term for a B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
joint_ms_format Formats the Parameter Vector
joint_ms_hess Computes the Hessian
joint_ms_lb Evaluates the Lower Bound or the Gradient of the Lower Bound
joint_ms_lb_gr Evaluates the Lower Bound or the Gradient of the Lower Bound
joint_ms_opt Optimizes the Lower Bound
joint_ms_profile Approximate Likelihood Ratio based Confidence Intervals
joint_ms_ptr Creates a joint_ms Object to Estimate a Joint Survival and Marker Model
joint_ms_set_vcov Sets the Covariance Parameters
joint_ms_start_val Quick Heuristic for the Starting Values
joint_ms_va_par Extracts the Variational Parameters
marker_term Creates Data for One Type of Marker
ns_term Term for a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines
plot_marker Plots a Markers Mean Curve with Pointwise Quantiles
plot_surv Plots Quantiles of the Conditional Hazards
poly_term Term for Orthogonal Polynomials
stacked_term Term for a Basis Matrix for of Different Types of Terms
surv_term Creates Data for One Type of Survival Outcome
VAJointSurv-terms Expansions in the VAJointSurv package
weighted_term Term for a Basis Matrix for Weighted Term