Displays Percentage and Absolute Changes

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Documentation for package ‘UpAndDownPlots’ version 0.5.0

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UpAndDownPlots-package UpAndDownPlots: display both percentage and absolute changes
AutoSales Sales of cars and vans in Germany in the years 2017 and 2018.
AutoSalesX Sales of cars and vans in Germany by manufacturer (edited version of AutoSales).
CPIuk Consumer Price Index data for the UK for August 2017 and August 2018.
dgroup Draws UpAndDown plots for different grouping variables
NIpop Northern Ireland population estimates 2011-2017
sort5 Draws five UpAndDown plots for one grouping variable with the five different sorting methods provided
ud_colours Set colours for UpAndDown plots
ud_plot Draws an UpAndDown plot to display percentage and absolute changes
ud_prep Prepares data for drawing an UpAndDown plot