EngineWithActivity-class {Umpire}R Documentation

The "EngineWithActivity" Class


The EngineWithActivity is used to set some components in the object of class Engine to be transcriptionally inactive and transform the expression data to appropriate logarithmic scale.


EngineWithActivity(active, components, base=2)
## S4 method for signature 'EngineWithActivity'
rand(object, n, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'EngineWithActivity'
summary(object, ...)



logical vector with length equal to number of components specifying whether each component should be transcriptionally active, or a numeric scalar specifying the probability for a component to be active


list where each element contains the parameters for the underlying distribution that the gene expression follows


numeric scalar specifying the logarithmic scale to which the data should be transformed


object of class EngineWithActivity


number of samples to be simulated


extra arguments for generic routines


An ENGINE WITH ACTIVITY allows for the possibility that some components (or genes) in an expression engine (or tissue) might be transcriptionally inactive. Thus, the true biological signal S_gi should really be viewed as a mixture:

Sgi=zgdelta0+(1zg)TgiS_gi = z_g * delta_0 + (1 - z_g) * T_gi

where delta_0 = a point mass at zero; T_gi = a random variable supported on the positive real line; z_g ~ Binom(pi) defines the activity state (1 = on, 0 = off)

The rand method for an EngineWithActivity is a little bit tricky, since we do two things at once. First, we use the base slot to exponentiate the random variables generated by the underlying Engine on the log scale. We treat base = 0 as a special case, which means that we should continue to work on the scale of the Engine. Second, we mask any inactive component by replacing the generated values with 0.

Note that this is terribly inefficient if we only have a single homogeneous population, since we generate a certain amount of data only to throw it away. The power comes when we allow cancer disregulation to turn a block on or off, when the underlying data reappears.


The EngineWithActivity generator returns an object of class EngineWithActivity.

The rand method returns nrow(EngineWithActivity)nnrow(EngineWithActivity)*n gene expression matrix with the inactive components being masked by 0.

The summary method prints out the total number of components and the number of active components in the object of EngineWithActivity.

Objects from the Class

Although objects of the class can be created by a direct call to new, the preferred method is to use the EngineWithActivity generator function.



logical vector specifying whether each component should be transcriptionally active or not


numeric scalar specifying the logarithmic scale


list specifying the parameters of the underlying distribution


Class Engine, directly.


rand(object, n, ...)

Generates nrow(EngineWithActivity)*n matrix representing gene expressions of n samples, and the transcriptionally inactive components are masked by 0.

summary(object, ...)

Prints out the total number of components and the number of active components in the object of EngineWithActivity.


Kevin R. Coombes krc@silicovore.com, Jiexin Zhang jiexinzhang@mdanderson.org,


nComponents <- 10
nGenes <- 100
active <- 0.7
comp <- list()
for (i in 1:nComponents) {
  comp[[i]] <- IndependentNormal(rnorm(nGenes/nComponents, 6, 1.5),
                                 1/rgamma(nGenes/nComponents, 44, 28))
myEngine <- EngineWithActivity(active, comp, 2)
myData <- rand(myEngine, 5)

[Package Umpire version 2.0.10 Index]