Ultimixt-package {Ultimixt} | R Documentation |
set of R functions for estimating the parameters of mixture distribution with a Bayesian non-informative prior
Despite a comprehensive literature on estimating mixtures of Gaussian distributions, there does not exist a well-accepted reference Bayesian approach to such models. One reason for the difficulty is the general prohibition against using improper priors (Fruhwirth-Schnatter, 2006) due to the ill-posed nature of such statistical objects. Kamary, Lee and Robert (2017) took advantage of a mean-variance reparametrisation of a Gaussian mixture model to propose improper but valid reference priors in this setting. This R package implements the proposal and computes posterior estimates of the parameters of a Gaussian mixture distribution. The approach applies with an arbitrary number of components. The Ultimixt R package contains an MCMC algorithm function and further functions for summarizing and plotting posterior estimates of the model parameters for any number of components.
Package: | Ultimixt |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.1 |
Date: | 2017-03-07 |
License: | GPL (>=2.0) |
Beyond simulating MCMC samples from the posterior distribution of the Gaussian mixture model, this package also produces summaries of the MCMC outputs through numerical and graphical methods.
Note: The proposed parameterisation of the Gaussian mixture distribution is given by
under the non-informative prior . Here, the vector of the
's belongs to an hypersphere of radius
intersecting with an
hyperplane. It is thus expressed in terms of spherical coordinates within that hyperplane that depend on
angular coordinates
. Similarly, the vector of
's can be turned
into a spherical coordinate in a k-dimensional Euclidean space, involving a radial coordinate
angular coordinates
. A natural prior for
is made of uniforms,
, and for
, we consider a beta prior
. A reference prior on the angles
and a Dirichlet prior
is assigned to the weights
For a Poisson mixture, we consider
with a reparameterisation as and
. In this case, we can use the equivalent to the Jeffreys prior for the Poisson
distribution, namely,
, since it leads to a
well-defined posterior with a single positive observation.
Kaniav Kamary
Maintainer: kamary@ceremade.dauphine.fr
Fruhwirth-Schnatter, S. (2006). Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models. Springer-Verlag, New York, New York.
Kamary, K., Lee, J.Y., and Robert, C.P. (2017) Weakly informative reparameterisation for location-scale mixtures. arXiv.
See Also
#K.MixReparametrized(faithful[,2], k=2, alpha0=.5, alpha=.5, Nsim=10000)