United States Centers of Population (Centroids)

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Documentation for package ‘USpopcenters’ version 0.2.0

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block_group2000 Centers of population of US census tracts according to the 2000 census
block_group2010 Centers of population of US census block groups according to the 2010 census
block_group2020 Centers of population of US census block groups according to the 2020 census
county2000 Centers of population of US counties according to the 2000 census
county2010 Centers of population of US counties according to the 2010 census
county2020 Centers of population of US counties according to the 2020 census
state2000 Centers of population of US states according to the 2000 census
state2010 Centers of population of US states according to the 2010 census
state2020 Centers of population of US states according to the 2020 census
tract2000 Centers of population of US census tracts according to the 2000 census
tract2010 Centers of population of US census tracts according to the 2010 census
tract2020 Centers of population of US census tracts according to the 2020 census
US_mean_center2010 Mean and Median centers of population of the US
US_mean_center2020 Mean and Median centers of population of the US
US_median_center2010 Mean and Median centers of population of the US
US_median_center2020 Mean and Median centers of population of the US