us_residential {USgas}R Documentation

US Monthly Natural Gas Residential Consumption


The US monthly consumption of natural gas by residential consumers by state and aggregate level between 1989 and 2020

Units: Million Cubic Feet




A data.frame with 3 variables.


A Date, the month and year of the observation (the day set by default to 1st of the month)


A character, the US state indicator


A numeric, the monthly natural gas residential consumption in a million cubic feet


The dataset contains monthly summary of the demand for natural gas by residential consumers in the US by state and total aggregate level. The data is available for the state level between January 1989 and September 2020, and for the US level between January 1973 and September 2020.


US Energy Information Administration (EIA) website.



# Subsetting the total consumption in the US

us_res_total <- us_residential[which(us_residential$state == "U.S."),]

us_res_total <- us_res_total[order(us_res_total$date), ]


at_x <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("1980-01-01"),
                 to = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
                 length.out = 5)

at_y <- pretty(us_res_total$y)[c(2, 4, 6)]

plot(us_res_total$date, us_res_total$y,
     col = "#1f77b4",
     type = "l",
     frame.plot = FALSE,
     axes = FALSE,
     panel.first = abline(h = at_y, col = "grey80"),
     main = "US Natural Gas Residential Consumption",
     xlab = "Source:",
     ylab = "Million Cubic Feet")

mtext(side =1, text = format(at_x, format = "%Y %b"), at = at_x,
      col = "grey20", line = 1, cex = 0.8)

mtext(side =2, text = format(at_y, scientific = FALSE), at = at_y,
      col = "grey20", line = 1, cex = 0.8)

### Plotting the west cost consumption
# Subsetting the west cost states
wc_gas <- us_residential[which(us_residential$state %in%
                             c("Alaska", "California",
                               "Oregon", "Washington")),]

# Reshape to wide
wc_wide <- reshape(wc_gas, v.names = "y", idvar = "date",
                   timevar = "state", direction = "wide")

names(wc_wide) <- c("date","Alaska", "California",
                    "Oregon", "Washington")
# Reorder the data
wc_wide <- wc_wide[order(wc_wide$date), ]

# Set the plot y and x axis ticks
at_x <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("1990-01-01"),
                 to = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
                 length.out = 4)

at_y <- pretty(wc_gas$y)[c(2, 4, 6)]

# plot the first series
plot(wc_wide$date, wc_wide$Alaska,
     type = "l",
     frame.plot = FALSE,
     axes = FALSE,
     panel.first = abline(h = c(at_y), col = "grey80"),
     main = "West Cost Natural Gas Residential Consumption",
     cex.main = 1, font.main = 1, col.main = "black",
     xlab = "Source:",
     font.axis = 1, cex.lab= 0.7,
     ylab = "Million Cubic Feet",
     ylim = c(min(wc_gas$y, na.rm = TRUE), max(wc_gas$y, na.rm = TRUE)))

# Add the 3 other series
lines(wc_wide$date, wc_wide$California, col = "#1f77b4")
lines(wc_wide$date, wc_wide$Oregon, col = "#457b9d")
lines(wc_wide$date, wc_wide$Washington, col = "#ef476f")

# Add the y and x axis ticks
mtext(side =1, text = format(at_x, format = "%Y %b"), at = at_x,
      col = "grey20", line = 1, cex = 0.8)

mtext(side =2, text = format(at_y, scientific = FALSE), at = at_y,
      col = "grey20", line = 1, cex = 0.8)

text(tail(wc_wide$date, 10)[1],
     max(wc_gas$y, na.rm = TRUE),
     col = "#1f77b4",
     cex = 0.6)

text(tail(wc_wide$date, 10)[1],
     max(wc_gas$y, na.rm = TRUE) - 5000,
     col = "#ef476f",
     cex = 0.6)

text(tail(wc_wide$date, 10)[1],
     max(wc_gas$y, na.rm = TRUE) - 10000,
     col = "#457b9d",
     cex = 0.6)

text(tail(wc_wide$date, 10)[1],
     max(wc_gas$y, na.rm = TRUE) - 15000,
     col = "black",
     cex = 0.6)

[Package USgas version 0.1.2 Index]