USP {USP}R Documentation

Permutation test of independence.


Carry out an independence test of the independence of two samples, give two kernel matrices JJ and KK, as described in Section 7.1 of (Berrett et al. 2021). We calculate the test statistic and null statistics using the function KernStat, before comparing them to produce a p-value. For the featured examples considered these matrices can be calculated using FourierKernel or InfKern. Alternatively, if a different basis is to be used, then the kernels can be entered separately.


USP(J, K, B = 999, ties.method = "standard", nullstats = FALSE)



n×nn \times n kernel matrix corresponding to first sample.


n×nn \times n kernel matrix corresponding to second sample.


The number of permutation used to calibrate the test.


If "standard" then calculate the p-value as in (5) of (Berrett et al. 2021), which is slightly conservative. If "random" then break ties randomly. This preserves Type I error control.


If TRUE, returns a vector of the null statistic values.


Returns the p-value for this independence test and the value of the test statistic, DnD_n, as defined in (Berrett et al. 2021). If nullstats=TRUE is used, then the function also returns a vector of the null statistics.


Berrett TB, Kontoyiannis I, Samworth RJ (2021). “Optimal rates for independence testing via U-statistic permutation tests.” Annals of Statistics, to appear.


x=runif(100); y=runif(100); M=3
J=FourierKernel(x,M); K=FourierKernel(y,M)

n=50; r=0.6; Ndisc=1000; t=1/Ndisc
X=matrix(rep(0,Ndisc*n),nrow=n); Y=matrix(rep(0,Ndisc*n),nrow=n)
for(i in 1:n){
 x = rnorm(Ndisc, mean=0, sd= 1)
 se = sqrt(1 - r^2) #standard deviation of error
 e = rnorm(Ndisc, mean=0, sd=se)
 y = r*x + e
 X[i,] = cumsum(x*sqrt(t))
 Y[i,] = cumsum(y*sqrt(t))
J=InfKern(X,2,1); K=InfKern(Y,2,1)

[Package USP version 0.1.2 Index]